Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Profitng And Benefiting From WordPress Ella

The “WordPress” developer team has successfully launched their latest version of WordPress, called “WordPress Ella”. Numerically, the version number is called version 2.1 To the uninitiated, news like this seems like a normal announcement from software developers and are often passed on by. However, from the eyes of a trained mind and savvy businessman, the […]


Blog Hosting. the Standards of Quality

The world changes. So do the life and work standards. The standards of IT business change very quickly. All that seemed to be up-to-date as recently as yesterday, today seems to be absolutely fusty. Even if we take a look at Internet growth, one can notice how the attitute towards network projects is being changed. […]


Which Web Hosting provider is best to host my WordPress blog?

Which Web Hosting provider is best to host my WordPress blog?I just want to host my blog and eventually an online shop using Magento. I have tried 5 but I keep having downtime. I personally uses which I find to be incredibly cheap and stable. Good luck. Technorati Tags: blog, good luck, hosting, online […]


What are the advantages to donloading WordPress and hosting it on your own server?

I was wondering what the advantages would be to hosting your own wordpress blog versus using the hosting provided by the website. Also Is its possible to do Google Adsense with the blog hosted by wordpress? The reason that most people do it is that they like to be in control of all their own […]

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