Starting Your Own Web Hosting Business From Home And Make It Profitable Like Hell

Starting Your Own Web Hosting Business From Home And Make It Profitable Like Hell

Why would you want to start your own web hosting business anyway? There are thousands of business ideas out there, so why web hosting? The answer is pretty simple.

There is no doubt that the Internet will grow drastically beyond this year. Even Bill Gates said that the future in on the net. While the Internet keeps growing, the needs of having a website is increasing like a wild fire.

And as we all know that to have a website, you have to register a domain name and use web hosting services.

Again, why web hosting? The answer is; because more people will go online! More people will see more websites. Sure, there are thousands of web hosting companies on the Internet, but, shouldn’t you be the one that grabs the remaining “million-dollar-cake” left on the table?

Starting your own web hosting business is just like starting any kind of Internet business from home. It can be done quick, simple and painless — only if you know how to find the right opportunity.

But, where to start? Do you have to start from zero?

Do you have to buy your own equipment? Do you have to prepare hundreds of computer servers at your home? Do you have to hire professional staff to manage your web hosting business? Well, yes. If you have a million dollar or something in your bank account, that idea would be nice.

Of course not!

Thanks to the advance thinking of our friends in web hosting industry, these days you don’t have to start from ground zero if you want to start your very own web hosting business.

It is called; a Reseller Hosting account. The name makes it clear. Reseller Hosting means that you can re-sell your web hosting plans that you have just ordered from your hosting company.

Your web hosting company will prepare everything for you, so you can sell it back to your customers in no time. But don’t get too excited yet. There are some key-points that you have to know if you want to make your Reseller Hosting account profitable like hell, not just profitable like the usual.

Key-Point #1: How much it will cost your customers?

First thing first; how much it will take to start your own web hosting business? Your prices to your customers are strongly reflects on how much you have invested (your Buy Rates from your hosting company). I mean, you have to make a fortune, right? For that reason, you have to sell higher than your buy rates.

Please, you have to be careful on this one. It takes only to make your customers run away from buying your web hosting plan. Why? Because it’s very possible that you are charging them more expensive than your competitors.

For crying out loud! Just to make them run away? Yes.

On the Internet, every customer is one click away to dump your business. That’s the cruel truth. Repeat those words every day to make it one with your brain.


Unless you have something to give to your customers to win their money, over and over again. What is it then? What is this “thing” to win the customers on the Internet?

It’s the Key-Point #2.

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