How To Choose Between Free And Paid Web Hosting

How To Choose Between Free And Paid Web Hosting

After you have successfully created your website, the next task for you would be to find the right web hosting company to host your website and make it visible to the internet users. This is no easy task either.

With the growth in the number of online businesses, the number of web hosting providers have also increased. In fact, web hosting has become a business on its own. New web hosting companies keep emerging on the internet every month. Each of these web hosting companies provides web space with different features and tools included. Prices of each web hosting service also vary.

Since the type of website required for each business is different, the tools required for maintaining the website will also be different. Hence, you must choose the web hosting service which provides enough web space at decent prices along with the tools that you require for operating it.

There are two types of web hosting providers –free and paid. Free providers provide you web space at no cost. However, they have the right to post their ads on your webpage. Moreover, the web space obtained from free providers is just enough to host your personal home page and it also may not contain additional tools or support features.

On the other hand, paid web hosting providers give you a lot of additional options. Apart from hardware and software support, they provide tools for you to for tasks like integration with payment gateways, installation of SSL certificates, autoresponders and RSS feeds, etc.

The type of web hosting provider that you choose depends on the type of online business you want to set up. For instance, free web hosting may be sufficient to put your hobby into practice or set up a personal home page for yourself. It does not provide the liberty to run major applications. If it is your intention to do something on a professional basis, you would like to have your own web server for this purpose. In that case, go for a paid web hosting service.

As discussed earlier, free web hosting providers post ads of their liking on your websites, which acts as a distraction to your customers, diverting their attention from the main theme of the website. There are also a number of restrictions put up by these providers regarding web space usage. On the other hand, paid web hosting services offer more storage space with fewer restrictions at decent prices.

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Cheap Web Hosting Companies and the affiliate system

Cheap Web Hosting Companies and the affiliate system

Customers searching in a search engine query for web hosting reviews are bound to find websites offering many similar companies and portraying identical layouts of web hosting reviews and comparison charts. Customers browse between many identical hosting service providers across a large spectrum of different web hosting review websites, and feel perplexed by having to distinguish which hosting providers are the best when all reviews are covering equivalent web hosting companies.
What’s the reason for the similarity in web hosting companies, cheap prices, and the amount of benefits? That’s simple, affiliation.
So just what is an affiliation? Affiliation is what the top web hosting companies do to control the web hosting industry by setting-up a “retailer” like environment across the internet. It is a modern day version of how corporations franchise themselves globally. In this scenario, a normal person can set up their own website and affiliate themselves with any of their review website’s self-proclaimed “top 10 web hosting companies”.
How is this affiliation system trustworthy when it is so widespread across the internet? The affiliation system allows web hosting providers’ greater access to their target market without the necessary work to expose their sites online. Through search engine optimization and letting people accomplish the work for them, hosting providers become increasingly popular for customers seeking the best web hosting companies. The affiliation strategy also creates a shakeout in the web hosting market; smaller web hosting companies cannot afford to compete or pay people to affiliate and are thus back shelved in the lower ranking pages on search engines and therefore never seen by customers.
Although the affiliation system portrays web hosting review websites as a scam, that is not the case. The affiliation system permits web hosting review sites to create a site which is based upon the best top web hosting service providers. If these hosting companies didn’t have the money to spend on affiliation, they certainly wouldn’t have money to spend on customer service, greater benefits, high quality servers, and hosting millions of websites across the internet yearly. This affiliation is what allows review sites to create a site solely constructed around all the benefits, and cheap prices, as well as coupons and deals (such as a free month off) .
If it wasn’t for hosting affiliation, review sites (and SEO specialists) wouldn’t combine to bring you solid reviews concerning the top web hosting providers on the market. In today’s world is everything is profit oriented, but that is the flexibility which creates these review websites and allows you to purchase a company which fits your financial needs and attain benefits which support your website structure.

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Packages For Choosing Internet Hosting

Packages For Choosing Internet Hosting

In order to do business online, many people rely on the packages of services found through Internet hosting sites. These packages for choosing Internet hosting can be used by individuals, or small, medium and large businesses. They are suitable for doing business online with a professional image projected that will help your online business expand farther than you ever dreamed possible.

All of the packages for choosing Internet hosting will be offered for a fee. Some of those fees are presented in the form of set-up fees, which allow the Internet hosting site to provide you with domain name registration and the opportunity to have your business website built by web professionals or offered in a website design package. The website design package will allow you to custom build your business image from the ground up using your own ideas, styles and color choices.

Beware of landmark services that state they will create a business website at no charge, but will require a 4-year contract for their services at a low monthly fee. In these services, what you will get will be a business website that might be totally different from the verbal requests for color, links, and basic page design. When these services lock you into the contract, they will leave you with a website and nothing else.

Nobody will be able to find your website on the Internet because these landmark typed services do not include that in their free website package offerings. For absorbent fees, you can find other web companies to market your business. You will be lucky if you can get the landmark Internet hosting service on the phone.

Another area that is offered in a package is the E-commerce website package. These landmark Internet services have contracts with credit card companies who will be included on the list of credit card services your business can accept. The credit card machines that you use at your brick and mortar company will not be suitable for use with your web based business.

The credit card machines that are included in your E-commerce package will come with a four-year contract that is non-cancelable, and will be an additional price you will have to pay on top of the price you are paying for web hosting services. In order to get approved for accepting credit cards on your website, though, you must sign this 4-year non-cancelable contract and the machines will be sent to your address. For a low monthly fee of .05, you can now accept credit cards in your online business.

These are some of the packages that are being offered through Internet hosting sites. While some of them are hardly appealing, they are offered and people get cuckolded into signing on the dotted line. The only comfort that a business owner has in these situations is that the business expense can be deducted on the income tax forms. Be wary of what is included in all packages for choosing Internet hosting sites, because some of those packages will cost more than you ever dreamed.

Some Internet hosting packages are clear cut and to the point. You can complete the web sites yourself, or ask them to do it for you. They let you pick and choose all of the features that you desire in your website, and how you want customers to be driven to your website. Through the selection process, you can end up with a total dollar amount that does not include any hidden costs, and do business for years without any problems.

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Free Web Hosting – Is It For You?

Free Web Hosting – Is It For You?

If you are a newcomer in the land of the WWW or World Wide Web, you definitely must be wondering about many aspects of the functioning of the web and what are the best possible ways to project your website or domain on the Internet. The best bet for starters, of course, if ‘free web hosting’.

Free web hosting is good, if you are new and want to learn the ropes first hand. It is definitely not a good idea if you are starting a business. So, what do you get with a free web hosting provider?

First of all you will get a web space on the net FREE OF COST. This is quite a big plus point. Another plus point is that it will provide you with a free email account in most cases. The downside would be that you will not have the permission to have your domain name. You cannot get any technical support for your database, nor can you accept advertisements.

Hence, if you are hosting your web just to post out a few ideas, a hobby broadcast site, or similar things, and then definitely you can choose a free web-hosting provider. Free web hosting is good for those with low traffic. For example you may like to have your website so your friends and family can access and exchange ideas with you. Or just plain curious to see how things work out when you are out there, posting on the Internet.

It is definitely not advisable for a person who wants to run or launch a business on the net, however rosy the free web-hosting provider would paint it. No free web-hosting provider will offer you free traffic transfer space and hence your business will be doomed, or you will end up with huge traffic transfer charges. So also, you would loose out in terms of visitors if and when the server is not up to the mark and has an uptime less than 95%. Poor technical support would be another major obstacle if you have heavy traffic to your website, as any interruption would frustrate your visitors chasing them away from your website.

Besides, the point that would decide anyone who runs a web-based business NOT to choose a free web hosting, is that the company would look cheap and amateurish. The host of your free website will impose advertisements on your website, which you may not like. There are a lot of downside points. A few are enumerated below:

•No tech support
•No guarantee on server uptime
•No free traffic transfer space
•No access to cgi and/or perl script
•No advertisement for money can be hosted on your free website
•No sub-directories
•No secure server for credit card payments
•Very low SEO visibility as search engines bypass free sites often

Having gone through the above, I still reiterate that for beginners who want to see what it looks like to be on the web, for those who want to share things with family and friends, and for hobby purposes, free web hosting is a good option. For any other reason, by all means go for a professional web hosting service.

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Hot Secrets Revealed : Things No Website Designer Or Web Hosting Provider Would Tell You

Hot Secrets Revealed : Things No Website Designer Or Web Hosting Provider Would Tell You

Web-hosting and designing the apt website for your business can be quite a daunting task for the uninitiated. Notwithstanding the jargon and the fact that most of the technical nitty-gritty would sound like a death knell to you, it is important and is something that your online or offline venture cannot do without. When it comes to website designing and hosting, there are a few secrets that the industry tends to keep them under wraps. Not that it would eat up your bottom-lines but it might help you in making the most prudent decisions with regards to your small business web design and hosting requirements.
We have listed out a few things to keep in mind for the non-technical YOU. The more you pay heed, the better your decision is going to be.

• Read the terms and conditions of your web hosting provider and ensure that you know what you are getting for your money.

• Choose a plan that is appropriate for you. Some web hosting providers lure you into believing that they provide you with “Unlimited bandwidth”. No one can provide with Unlimited “disk space” and “bandwidth” just because it is a saturated market out there amongst the web hosting providers and there is no one in the world to be able to provide you with the same. It is a marketing gimmick and it helps if you are aware of this fact. What is required here is your acuity and decision making skills – You ought to know approximately how much traffic your website must be getting to determine the bandwidth and the disk space. The hosting providers can manage to con you into believing that you have access to “Unlimited” Bandwidth and disk space because they know that most small business owners and webmasters do not need a lot of these parameters and hence they get to improvise.

• Please do ensure that you know your web-hosting provider’s policy with regards to increasing your bandwidth requirements if you envision your web site’s traffic. Higher number of hits on your website would mean more bandwidth requirements. Just keep track of the surges in traffic and ensure that your provider gives you the flexibility of increasing the band-width as and when required. Also, pay special attention if you intend to include videos, blogs and mp3 content on your site. You need to make a lot more space available for all that content and you have to think about all this when you talk to your web-hosting provider.

• Does your hosting provider have a range of hosting services – ranging from shared common hosting to Dedicated servers or virtual servers? Does your service provider also provide you with other relevant products like email, traffic boosters, blogs, photo sharing utilities and a whole lot of things depending on your unique requirements?

Building a website isn’t as easy as it was earlier. Its difficulty level has now evolved along with the innate complexity of the Internet itself and your success is now attributed to prudent and acute decisions that you ought to make while considering your Internet Strategy for your offline or online business.

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How To Choose A Reliable Web Hosting Company : A Tip For Newbies

How To Choose A Reliable Web Hosting Company : A Tip For Newbies

Reliable web hosting is vital for anyone attempting to earn money with a business website.

Choosing a host for your website is not easy when you are an Internet newbie and don’t really know bandwidth from Band-Aid. What selection criteria do you use? If you are a total newbie, about the only thing you will know how to compare is price but if you do a search for web hosting you will have ads coming at you for all prices from per year to per month. Should you go for the most expensive on the basis that you get what you pay for or should you go for the cheapest because saving money is a priority while you are getting your business running?

The first thing to rule out is free web hosting. There are many great free resources to be found on the Internet including excellent anti-virus and anti-spy ware software. Free hosting is fine if you have a hobby website but, if you are running a business online and wish to achieve credibility with visitors and search engines, free web hosting won’t do the job.

I discovered the hard way that cheap web hosting is not necessarily the bargain it might seem. When I started looking for hosting for a new website, I already had top class hosting that had come with my first website. There was an option to add on further domains for an extra per month. That was cheap enough but I thought it would be a good idea to have my new website hosted completely separately (you know, the old eggs in one basket caution).

When I started checking around, there seemed to be millions of web hosts all offering what (to my untrained eye) seemed to be the same thing but at wildly varying prices, so I settled on a cheap hosting package. The cost was £1 per month (which was about .70 in those days) and I certainly got what I paid for!

At first everything was fine: I paid up, they hosted my website. The trouble is, you don’t realize you have bought rubbish hosting until things start to go wrong.

The first sign that all was not well came a few months later when I was unable to locate my website. I raised a support ticket and waited. Four days later came the reply “everything seems ok now”. Four days of downtime without a sensible word from support made me feel more than a little uneasy.

Things seemed fine for a while after that but then another problem arose: when I tried to log into my control panel all I got was a message telling me the license fee had not been paid. This time the reply to my support ticket was quicker, it only took two days. Unfortunately, however, it was completely unhelpful. The reply was “It seems to be a site-wide issue”. Was I supposed to feel better because the whole site was messed up and not just my bit? They must have got round to paying the license fee because after a few more days, login was available again.

After that, I wanted to move to a new host but I had never moved a website before and assumed it would be really difficult and technically challenging (actually it is extremely simple). As a result of this fear my website remained where it was.

The crunch came when my domain name came up for renewal. In response to an email from the hosting company, I visited their website to make the required payment. Their PayPal link and credit card options did not work and there were several error messages showing on the pages I visited.

Emails to their support and billing departments went unanswered. My only means of arranging payment was via their website, so I kept trying. Each time I visited, there were more error messages, nothing worked and it began to look as if the site was actually melting bit by bit. It seemed the company had just packed up and left their website to self destruct.

Inquiries revealed that the only way I could renew my domain name ownership was through the hosting company because they had registered it on my behalf and they retained control of it. As they could not be contacted, there were only two options available. The first was to pay an agent a pretty hefty (and non-refundable) fee to try to contact the hosting company and negotiate the purchase the domain name from them. The second option was to lose the domain.

When you have to choose web hosting, the first thing to look for is quality of support. To keep prices low, the easiest way for the company to economize is to provide sub-standard support. Forget the offers of unlimited bandwidth, hundreds of email accounts, spam filters and other freebies. If support is non-existent, give the company a miss no matter how good their other terms might seem.

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Why Choose Windows Media Video Streaming Hosting

Why Choose Windows Media Video Streaming Hosting

If I were to open a website, and I wanted to host videos on my website, I would have a lot of options open to me. Many websites will offer videos, and they too have many different options. However, some options are just better than others and there are a number of ways that a person can look at this when they think about how they want to host their streaming videos. Streaming videos are fast and offer efficiency and quick delivery to the individuals that are trying to watch the videos that are offered. But it is also important to offer a good hosting service people if people have to download new materials in order to be able to see the video, they may not want to do that and the individual that is hosting the video will probably lose out on having a loyal member of their online community, while that web surfing individual will be losing out on seeing a potentially great video. When it comes to deciding how to host the videos that are offered, a person will want to see what is most popular when it comes to hosting videos, so that more people would be likely to just be able to see the videos without having to download anything else.

It should come as little surprise to anyone that since computers come with Windows installed on the computer that the most popular choice would be to look into Windows Media video streaming hosting on the website. Windows Media video streaming hosting is the best choice because everyone already has this installed on their computer, so the individual viewer does not need to change anything, unless for some reason they uninstalled the program when they got their computer. Since far fewer people are likely to uninstall a program that is popular than install a program that isn’t as well marketed, this again proves that Windows Media video streaming hosting is a good idea. This is true no matter what type of genre is being put up on the Windows Media video streaming hosting website. Sometimes the genre is news, other times it is adult entertainment. This does not matter to the hosting program.

Not only that, but the updates are automatic. When a person goes to your website, they will rarely run into a problem if you offer Windows Media video streaming hosting. This is because when there is an update ready with the Player, Windows will tell the individual and they will be able to update it then. Sometimes the update is even automatic which will save the individual a lot of time later when they go to your website and notice your decision to go with Windows Media video streaming hosting. While the individual might not be able to tell that this is such a benefit to them, since they simply will likely not come up against a problem, they might not understand how superior you hosting is at first, but they likely will if they ever try to look anywhere else.

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struggling with web design and retaining customers has long kept CRM at bay and in the shadows of giant web hosting review websites. After thoroughly researching and analyzing the web hosting customer market, Faraz Dayvandi and Tal Lifschitz, creators of CRM channeled their efforts towards creating a website which exhibits a high quality design, the most popular web hosting companies, ratings, accolades and awards, testimonials, and instructional pages on how to go through the purchase process with each affiliated company.
The website design establishes tables focused on separate but integral parts necessary for customers to break down web hosting. On the left side of the website, there is a navigational bar which leads you straight to the web hosting chart. The web hosting chart (located at the bottom of the page) is a creative and unique chart which displays seven of the best companies in the industry. Each company has its own well organized review page with ratings of price, benefits, setup, and customer support. The web hosting chart also includes testimonials, CRM’s star rating, a list of benefits and price of the cheapest package available. Furthermore, unlike many top web hosting review companies, CRM has managed to provide free coupons which offer many valuable incentives for customers.
Aside from having an efficient page design with easily accessible tables and charts, CRM is also highly credible; the website is placed on several highly touted and sought after first pages on Google search engine results page; a simple Google search for a general web hosting keyword will display CRM in the top ten results. Through CRM’s impressive back link popularity, and efficient content they’ve managed to top millions of other web hosting providers.
The top of the page is occupied by problems both new and former customers have experienced or will face with a majority of web hosting companies. To the right of the problems, there are visible solutions with check marks which correspond to the problems and show how CRM handles a variety of web hosting issues.
Another nifty little section was the “How to buy” instruction page, which has screenshots and instructions to help customers through the practice of signing up and purchasing web hosting, along with registering a domain name and getting your .com active and ready.
“I’m really satisfied with the direction we’re heading; I vowed to set the standard and raise bar of a web hosting Review Company. It appears that hosting companies can only improve through a direct analysis of their competitors and complying with the ideals of customers. We’ve improved tremendously in our ability to provide a wide spectrum of web hosting packages at varying prices, and high level reviews as well as delivering helpful coupons.” – Faraz Dayvandi, CRM Webmaster
As long as websites increase their productivity, design, and appeal the hosting industry will face an influx of new born websites which copy the style of current successful websites, but if one can manage to stay on top of every single category such as CRM, customers will have an easier time of finding the right web hosting company to fit their needs.

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Cheap web hosting plans not enough for customers

Cheap web hosting plans not enough for customers

Web Hosting service providers are constantly virally marketing their company name throughout the net, building up their status in hope to increase their reputation. Having said that, customers look to find a web hosting plan to fit their budget and not only cheap domain names.

Furthermore, in order to satisfy customer’s needs web hosting companies compete in full confidence to provide as much benefits as they can in their hosting plans. Faraz Dayvandi, President of CRM stated that in order to give the web hosting world what they want, you have to load as many benefits as you can within hosting plans.

Simply having a cheap domain name registration is not enough anymore. Benefits that come in normal web hosting plans are: 100MB Banner-Free Hosting 1GB Monthly Traffic, 10 Email Accounts, Web/POP Email Access, FTP Access, Website Creator and many more. Is this really enough to satisfy customer’s wants?

It certainly takes many more benefits than the ones mentioned above; however in order to decide on a web hosting plan, you need more than benefits. Trust and hacker safe programs are a crucial factor to look in too. Web Hosting companies want their customers to fully trust them and understand that the web hosting corporation their customers choose is reliable. Having said that, (CRM) has provided such a site where consumers can compare the top 10 rated web hosting companies with high quality plans and not have to struggle searching for a fitting hosting company on the net.

CRM CEO of Tal Lifschitz was quoted saying “We believe consumers should have the option to check every web hosting plan on one single web page then decide to make a purchase. This eliminates the stress factor of endlessly looking for it on the internet.” Using CRM’s website as a guide to find the top hosting companies, hosting customers realize the potential of conveniently finding all options on one successful hosting review website.

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Business Web Hosting – The Reliability Difference

Business Web Hosting – The Reliability Difference

Why Business Web Hosting?

When you have an online business your website is your first impression, it’s how you greet your current as well as prospective customers. Every little glitch or server error is a statement of who you are as a company. It may not be fair and many of the problems that you may have with a host may not be your fault, but your customers don’t know this, and they don’t care either. If you want to be taken seriously you need to consider business hosting, which will give you a high quality product and professional image so you are sure you are always giving your customers the best impression possible.

Free Services?

When you look into web hosting for your business you may get caught up in the idea that you can get your site hosted for free, but you must remember an important saying when it comes to reliable hosting, “You get what you pay for”. This statement could not be more true when it comes to choosing a hosting provider and while the free business hosting services aren’t a bad idea for your personal website it is generally not what you should choose for your business website. You need to make sure that your website operates as it should and is online during all times of the day and night, without fail. Every minute is a potential first impression and you simply cannot chance your business with a free service that doesn’t come through with you.

Reliable Hosting is What it is all About

Reliable hosting is what you are looking for when you need a host for your business website. In addition to reliability you need security. When you run a business online your customers want to know that their information as well as their transactions are kept private and when you deal with a free hosting service you are probably not offering your customers the reliability or the security that they are looking for. You will be a much more appealing prospect for your current as well as potential customers when you are able to offer them a website that is always available as well as secure.

Too many people overlook the importance of these things and it affects their business in the short term as well as in the long term. Too many people are wondering why they aren’t doing as well as they could be, and it all comes down to choosing the right business hosting. It doesn’t seem like it could be this simple, but it is! Don’t simply choose a business hosting service because it is affordable, choose one that will allow you to provide your customers with everything that they need and want from a business.

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Best Website Hosting for Small Business Best Website Hosting Ready Made Web Hosting