How to Set Up a Free WordPress Blog in 5 Minutes
I’ve had a ton of people ask me lately how to get started marketing online, and more importantly how to get up their first website and start making money in the fastest time possible.
Most of you guys know, I am not a big techie person. And I always tell people that the best way to get started marketing online is by setting up a free WordPress blog. You can set up and update your blog with a few easy clicks!
Even if you don’t know anything about HTML or setting up a web page (I still don’t know HTML!), let me show you a real easy way to get a web page set up in minutes—literally!
Here’s what I did–first, I set up a WordPress blog. It was really easy setting up a blog.
I just went into my cpanel within my Host Gator web hosting account, and I clicked the Fantastico button, and my WordPress blog was set up automatically.
Boom—instant website! How’s that for easy?
Now the thing about WP blogs is that WordPress sets up the shell, but then you can customize it and make it look however you want.
You do this by installing themes and plug-ins. There are millions of free themes to choose from, and more plug-ins than you can ever hope to use. I’ll list the plug-ins that I am using so that you don’t have to go searching endlessly for the right ones.
I found a free theme for my WordPress blog within WordPress; I downloaded it, and then uploaded it with my FTP software. I then went to get some plug-ins for my WordPress blog (and you can search for these various plug-ins from within WordPress).
The plug-ins that I decided to use and that I recommend, are the following:
– All in One SEO Pack
– Add to Any: Share/Save/Bookmark Button
– Viper’s Video Quicktags
– Stats
– WP-EMail
– WP-EMail Widget
– AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget
– Google XML Sitemaps
– Ultimate Google Analytics
– WordPress Video Plugin
– WP-SpamFree
– WP tags to Technorati
There are a lot of these plug-in, and millions of free themes to choose from with WP. You can tweak your blog, and add widgets, and start adding content that is important to you—that is the best things about blogs! Blogs are so unique and personal—you can really make them reflect your personality and your business any way that you want.
Adam Spiel
Using Mysql in a Hosting Environment
MySQL is a heavy-duty database server. Used with various software languages, most notably PHP, and part of the LAMP family (which is comprised of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP),
Whether it’s a customer relations management list or medical records, any data you have that needs storing, is stored on a database. You will need a database management system to add, access, edit, and process data in your databases, and MySQL is one of the best and most comprehensive packages on the market. MySQL can also be used as a relational database management system, which means it can store data in various tables that can communicate with one another rather than all in one large “storeroom” of data.
You can run MySQL as a server in your local device or in a remote server. All you need to access your MySQL databases and MySQL functionality is your server name (such as the name server of your MySQL web hosting provider) or the appropriate IP address. You can then input your various commands, most likely using PHP scripts, to interact with your various databases. These commands are written on programming scripts.
When choosing a MySQL web hosting provider, you’ll want to consider some additional factors beyond the standard uptime, backup/redundancy systems, bandwidth, email, and bandwidth concerns.
* Databases: If you’re seeking a MySQL web hosting provider, you’re surely planning on making databases a significant part of your web-presence. You therefore need to find a MySQL hosting provider that offers you at least as many data structures as you might need. A host that promotes itself as a MySQL hosting provider must offer its clients with multiple websites at least five databases.
* Interface: You’ll be working with your databases intimately and frequently. You’ll want a MySQL hosting provider that’s designed its admin interface with the MySQL user in mind. If you have various staff-members involved in the building and maintenance of your various tables and databases, you’ll want to be able to create multiple user I.D.’s to allow varying degrees of secure access. CPanel is a good administrative dashboard to have for MySQL databases.
* CRON support: A cron helps you to run specific scripts for regular, routine tasks to be run at periodic intervals. A MySQL hosting provider should allow you to set up and manage crons from your admin control panel. These scripts are also good for Preventive Maintenance routines.
* PHP Info: The most common script for MySQL databases is PHP. A MySQL hosting provider with PHP extensions enabled is likely to be more frustrating than useful to you. By checking into a prospective MySQL hosting provider’s PHP capabilities, you can ensure compatibility between your scripting language and your database management, thus saving yourself tons of trouble and loads of regrets later on.
Remember, if you are running MySQL databases; make sure that you get a host that specializes in MySQL hosting.
John Ugoshowa
Which site is good for hosting a wordpress blog with?
I am looking to create a blogsite utilizing wordpress. Initially it will be a regular site, but once i increase traffic I want to monetize the site utilizing tools like adsense and adwords as well as other advertisements. I have heard mixed reviews, but am generally looking at blue host. are there any recommendations out there?
Yeah, Bluehost is one of the best. They have one click install of WordPress so it’s really easy to set up. If you want to save some money you could go with Hostmonster (which is basically the same as Bluehost, owned by the same company just a newer brand) or you could get one of these:
Powweb has the best offer right now. It’s on a 50% sale – $3.88/month ($46.56/year), and you get a free domain (like from them.
Their hosting plan includes web builder, so you can create your site just by drag and drop (without any programming), or you could install WordPress (easy, one click install from their control panel), choose a theme that you like, and start adding content.
P.S. All of those companies are a long time in business, currently hosting hundreds of thousands of websites each, so there are bound to be negative reviews for every one of them. But they all work pretty good!
How do I upgrade CPanel, PHP, and MySQL, as well as install Python on a Linux server?
My friend is leasing his own server for the first time, and he has given me a reseller account. I would like to run a web host off of my reseller account, but the server does not have the latest version of CPanel, PHP, or MySQL, nor does it have Python installed.
I do not have admin access to the server, but my friend does. He told me that he would upgrade all of these things for me if I could find out how. So here I am!
If somebody could provide some kind of instructions…is it done through WHM?
There’s a bunch of articles on this. Look for any "cookbook" on LAMP (Linux + Apache + Mysql + (Perl | PHP | etc).
Cheap website hosting…. help?
I am looking for a cheap hosting place where the only fee I’d have to pay would be to get rid of any of the ads. Willing to pay a small fee.. no free sites (that have ads).. thanks
You can get cheap your own domain name + hosting for couple bucks, you can try it for free for 7 days. And you may get extra income by using them.
Hope this help,
How to Get Free Hosting for Adsense
Introduction on Web Hosting:
A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to provide their own websites accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies or indiviual that provide space on a server they own for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center.
Service Scope:
The scopes of hosting services are very wide. Web page hosting is generally sufficient only for personal web pages. As the in the question of complex sites, this calls for a more comprehensive package that provides database support and application development platforms like PHP, Java, and ASP.NET that faciliates customers installint scripts for applications like forums and content management somewhat like e-commerce for which SSL is also required.
The web hosts may also provide a Web interface control panel (e.g. cPanel or Hosting Controller) for managing the Web server, installing scripts and other services like e-mail.
Obtaining Hosting:
Web hosting is often provided as part of a general Internet access plan; there are many free and paid providers offering these services. Such considerations include database server software, scripting software, and operating system. Most hosting providers provide Linux-based web hosting which offers a wide range of different software. A typical configuration for a Linux server is the LAMP platform: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
Web Hosting in Pakistan:
Pakistan is also making its mark in the web hosting business, many companies and individuals host web sites of not only in its own country but also other Asian countries and other countries in American and European continents. The Pakistani web hosts also offer other services like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), email-marketing, web-site evaluation and banner evaluation and mini site development at different prices and rates depending on the web-site to be hosted.
Web Hosting Provider:
[Your business name] also provide web hosting services for personal web pages and complex company websites for free. We provide 20 MB space with 500 MB bandwidth which is a greatly considerable offer provided that the client should already be having its own domain, along with these We allow user at our host to create MySql database, Sub domain, perform unlimited email forwarders, Domain Parking and Web static’s to view the traffic flow. This offer package is beneficial personal and small business community interested to generate revenue through google adsense. We use most of the web hosting scripts from fantastico scripts which are like one click installation provided by the world famous developers, no programming experience required for that. For details and queries log on to
Ibrahim Machiwala
Profitng And Benefiting From WordPress Ella
The “WordPress” developer team has successfully launched their latest version of WordPress, called “WordPress Ella”. Numerically, the version number is called version 2.1
To the uninitiated, news like this seems like a normal announcement from software developers and are often passed on by. However, from the eyes of a trained mind and savvy businessman, the news of “WordPress Ella” contain many benefits that online business owners can immediately tap into and profit from.
“WordPress Ella” comes with the following enhancements which are a great resource for online business owners.
1. First on the list of enhancements from WordPress Ella is an ‘autosave’ function that ensures you will never lose a post again. This is an invaluable tool especially at times when you have spent a lot of time in front of your computer screen, brainstorming on what to write to promote your business.
Imagine the horror or frustration especially in instances where the battery of your notebook died and you forgot to save. Or perhaps there was a blackout or you accidentally closed the browser window without saving your work.
“WordPress Ella” autosave function is a real time saver and is an abosolute must for any online businesses.
2. Next in line on “WordPress Ella” is the “Import” and “Export” functions. Let’s talk about the import function first.
The latest release of “WordPress Ella” has an import function that allows you to import your blog created from other popular blogging platforms such as ‘Movable Type’, ‘Typepad’, ‘Livejournal’, ‘Blogger’ and so on, into WordPress itself.
This way, you don’t have to lose any important data such as your blog posts and comments. This flexibility is another reason why WordPress itself is so successful and continues to gain a huge following and user base.
Why would anyone want to transfer their blog from another platform to WordPress? Well, one reason is because with most of these other blogging platforms, the user has to pay a monthly fee. WordPress, as almost everyone knows is free, and you can easily install with a few clicks using Fantastico from within your hosting account’s Cpanel.
Another reason to migrate or transfer the entire blog to WordPress could be due to the limitation of some blogging platforms. Blogger, for example does not support the use of categories, which are critical when it comes to optimizing the blog to rank high for specific keywords related to the business.
Now, let’s discuss about the “Export” function.
“Export” as the name implies, will export all the WordPress posts and comments into a file (called XML). This file can then be imported into other WordPress blogs. It’s like a cross transferring of data between similar or related “WordPress Blogs”.
This is useful when one is starting a new blog and perhaps need to populate the blog with useful content instead of just displaying news feed. For example, if you have a blog on muscle building, and you started a new blog on weight loss, you can import the content (which are the posts and comments) from the muscle blog into the weight loss blog.
This way, when you drive traffic to your new weight loss blog, you can at least provide the reader with some useful content while you build up the content around weight loss. Naturally there is some correlation between these two topics. After all, if you want to build muscle, naturally you need to burn off the excess fats and turn them into muscles!
3. Another enhancement of “WordPress Ella” is the new search engine privacy. What this means is that you can indicate whether you’d like your blog to be indexed or ping by search engines, especially Google, Yahoo or MSN, which are the three top search engines online.
Most experienced marketers know about the pinging power of blogs. Everytime when a post is published, WordPress will ping or notify specific blog directories about updates to your blog, causing them to index or visit your blog, brining you that additional and much needed targeted traffic.
As crazy as it sounds, considering that most business owners would like to get their site listed in the search engines, there are also times when you might want to hide or mask your blog from the radar screen of search engines. This is true especially in cases where it’s only meant for paid customers only. For example, you might be providing some sensitive information meant for paid customers and you don’t want anyone doing a search on the search engines to stumble upon your blog and have access to the information.
4. Another powerful upgrade that “WordPress Ella” brings is the ability to specify a static page as the front page for your site or blog.
Most savvy marketers employ the use of a mini site or a one page only sales letter when marketing their products or services. Normally such one page sites will also contain an opt-in box, where visitors and readers are enticed to provide their email address in exchange for a free gift, software, e-course etc.
When they do so, they will normally be enrolled in an autoresponder course that automatically does the follow-up with the said subscriber which either results in a sale or no sale.
With a blog, however, the main page or the front page will always a display of the latest chronological posts. You can create pages for a blog, however, in the past it was not that easy for the layman to do so.
With “WordPress Ella”, all you need to do if you want a static front page is to select this option in the WordPress control panel. It can’t get any easier than this.
These are just some of the enhancements that you can immediately benefit from “WordPress Ella”.
This article assumes you already have some basic knowledge about the marketing power of blogs in terms
of its syndication power, targeted traffic and search engine optimization capability for keywords.
Brandon Hong
Web Hosting – a Guide for Beginners
So you’re looking to learn about web hosting and what it has to offer or you may not know much about web hosting? There is no shame in not knowing this information. Everyone has to start at the beginning at some point. On that note, let’s begin learning about web hosting.
First off, what is web hosting and how does it work?
Web hosting is the business practice of providing space and bandwidth on a high-powered computer server that is connected to the Internet at very high speeds. Hosting companies maintain large networks of high-powered web server computers in a physical location known as a data center. These computer servers are connected to a very fast, and generally redundant, Internet connection. The data centers have primary and backup power, a fast connection to the Internet, and a security monitoring staff.
The web hosting companies provide a share of disk space and available bandwidth to a customer for a monthly fee. Once the customer is signed up, they can upload files to their personal space on the web server and the information is then viewable to anyone interested on the Internet. The monthly fee the web hosting company charges is much less than what it would cost to run a server out of your own home or data center. This is the reason these companies exist. They take care of all the hardware, software, and other technical needs for you.
Types of web hosting
There are many different types of web hosting offers, but the main three are shared, reseller, and dedicated. Each type of hosting is for a different purpose.
Shared Web Hosting
Shared web hosting is the most popular form of hosting. Shared hosting is a portion of disk space and bandwidth provided to you by the web hosting company on a high-powered server. There are many other web sites hosted on this server, and the hosting company is likely to have quite a few of these servers in a large data center. The resources of the server are shared by as many other websites as are allocated to that computer.
Shared web hosting is the best form of web hosting if you are looking for a great price and don’t have more than a couple thousand daily visitors to your site.
Reseller Web Hosting
Reseller web hosting is a popular, low-cost solution to starting your own web hosting business. There are two types of reseller hosting, private-label and a reseller of services.
The private-label is the best type of reseller plan because it allows you to retain full control over your customer’s websites. A private-label plan allows the reseller to keep the full monthly payment of the web-hosting customer, but the reseller must pay a monthly fee to the larger hosting company for the reseller space. The more hosting accounts a private-label reseller can sell, the higher the profit for them. Private-label hosting allows you to host many more websites than if you were using shared hosting for each. This is a great solution for someone who has many sites they need to host in one location to save money.
The reseller of services plans resell the regular web hosting plans of a larger web hosting company, but you get a discounted price for providing the customer and earn a monthly fee for as long as they remain a customer. This plan does not allow control over customer web sites and you only keep a portion of the potentially monthly revenue.
Dedicated Web Hosting
Dedicated web hosting is the most powerful and cost effective solution of hosting a busy web site without resorting to buying your own equipment and paying hundreds of dollars per month for a fast Internet connection. Dedicated hosting consists of single server with no one else hosting on that computer. This allows for the greatest of configuration options. Anyone who has a busy website will find dedicated hosting is the necessary choice.
Web Hosting Considerations
Wondering about all the other information listed in web hosting plans? In this section, I will explain the most important considerations in choosing a good web host.
The price of web hosting services is one of the most important. There are many hosting companies out there with cheap hosting packages, but they may be lacking in other areas. Don’t let the price of a hosting package fool you. There are some hosting companies out there who have great prices and the other features are just as good. Price may be one of the most important decisions of a web hosting plan, but there is much more to consider in choosing a quality web host.
Disk Space / Storage Space
Disk space is the amount of physical storage space a web host gives to you to store your web files. Hosting companies these days have plans with disk space being measured mostly in terms of gigabytes, but some are still offering plans in the megabytes for storage space. Depending on your needs for file storage space, you may need more or less. Generally the more disk space offered the better.
Bandwidth / Data Transfer
The amount of bandwidth available can make a big difference in choosing a quality hosting plan. In general, the more bandwidth a hosting company makes available to you, the better. This means you can support more traffic to your web site as your business grows. Be wary of web hosting companies that offer unlimited or unmetered bandwidth. While many of these are legitimate offers, there are some out there who are overselling their bandwidth in hopes the average user won’t use much.
Customer Support
In any business, it is very important to provide exception customer service. Web hosting is no exception to this. Many of the hosting companies are available all day and night in case you have a problem with your web site, but there are some who are just available specific hours of the day. If your web site goes down in the middle of the night when they’re not available, this means lost revenue for a business. You should make sure the web host you select is always available for support.
Money Back Guarantee
Most web hosting companies will provide a thirty-day money back guarantee. Some will provide one even long, but be wary of the ones who offer no money back guarantee. I would not purchase web hosting services from a company who does not offer at least a 30 day money back guarantee, unless they have proven themselves to be a leader in the industry and have an excellent reputation.
Operating System
An operating system is a piece of software that controls the interaction between the computer user and the physical hardware of the machine. A vast majority of all web sites on the Internet run on the Linux operation system. Linux is generally much more stable than Windows. Stability is critical in running a web site. For this reason, I prefer to host my web sites on the Linux operating system. Some sites have specific requirements that only the Windows operating system can satisfy, but there are always alternatives to those requirements.
A good web hosting company will have a regular schedule to backup the data on all the web servers. The more often the data is backed up, the better. At the very least, a web hosting company should backup web site files daily.
Control Panel
The control panel is the point of contact the web site administrator will have between the host server and their own machine connected via the Internet. It is essential to have a well organized and easy to use control panel interface. My favorite control panel is cPanel, which is one of the leading web hosting control panels out there today. Plesk is another good one, and many companies will create their own control panel for you to use. Most web hosting companies will provide a link to a demo of the control panel they use with their hosting plans. The control panel used is a matter of preference, but it should be user friendly.
Email is essential part of communication on the Internet. Most web hosting companies out there will give you more email addresses and more space to hold email messages than you will ever need. What you need to watch out for are the companies that have decided to be a little strict on their email accounts and only offer a small number or a small amount of message space.
Uptime is a term used to describe how often the average web site hosted by a company is available online. No company should be expected to provide an exact 100% uptime. This is impossible due to things such as hardware, software, and power failures. A vast majority of the companies are very good with uptime, and they guarantee it. It is still a good idea to be conscious of the uptimes posted by the company. If it is not at least 99.5%, it is probably not worth hosting with that company.
As a webmaster, it is nice to know how many visitors you’ve had, where they came from, how long they stay on your site, and how much bandwidth they’ve used. This information is collected by the web server and is placed in a log file. A statistics software package can read this data and provide meaningful information to the webmaster. The information gathered from these logs can be very valuable in improved services to the viewers of the web site.
FTP stands for file transfer protocol. It is a way of quickly uploading or downloading many files to and from a web server. Most web hosting companies will allow their customers access to their web hosting accounts via FTP. FTP is very useful and is a great feature to have when paying for a web hosting account.
Since the World Wide Web began, many scripting languages have been created and have evolved into the dynamic and interactive environment we enjoy today. A scripting language is a way of adding functionality to a web site, whether it is to calculate numbers or to load information from an external database. Scripting languages have made electronic commerce possible. Some of these languages include PHP, ASP, JSP, Cold fusion, VBscript, JavaScript, and Perl. I won’t go into the details of these in this article for the sake of complexity. If you know how to use these languages, you should know what to look for in a web server for them.
A database is a place to store data that can be used in a large variety of ways. Databases are used on the Internet for applications such as shopping carts, message boards, and product catalogues. The more databases the web hosting provider allows you to create, the most applications you can deploy on your web server. Databases are used by the more advanced web master, but information is freely available online should you be interested.
Web hosting can be a very difficult decision with the many thousands of hosting companies out there. It is critical to find a plan that fits your needs and to have a good hosting company. I hope this article was useful in making your decision about which company to host with. Happy Hosting!
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Blog Hosting. the Standards of Quality
The world changes. So do the life and work standards. The standards of IT business change very quickly. All that seemed to be up-to-date as recently as yesterday, today seems to be absolutely fusty.
Even if we take a look at Internet growth, one can notice how the attitute towards network projects is being changed. The most dramatic example is web sites that are being hosted on free web hosting platforms.
In the early 21st century those web sites were quite popular. All social gropus – schoolboys, students, office workers, writers used to use free web hosting services. Often even corporate web sites were hosted on free hosting.
However the time passed, Internet “grew up” and the standards have changed. Webmasters started to think not only about creating a web site but more about creating a professional web project for which free web hosting is apparently not suitable. People started to register domain name, oder paid reliable web hosting services and hire professional web designers and developpers.
This trend has changed the attitute towards web sited hosted on a free web hosting. Now more and more people think that one should better have no web site at all that the one hosted on a free hosting with million of ads.
And that is right. Everything should be solid, reliable and professional. And web hosting is no exception.
Blogosphere came to this idea much later. If nowadays web site on a free hosting may call depreciation, the blog hosted in a free blog platform is still considered to be a normal thing.
How long do you give this state of things? Definitely a short while. The most long-sighted bloggers right now register a domain name to create a stand-alone blog on it and search for a blog hosting services. Since they new, shortly this wil become a generally accepted standard of blogosphere.
Transferring blog on another hosting is like moving in a new flat. The more things – the harder is the move itself. The backlinks and PR might be lost. It is also hard to moove blog archive because of internal links in blog posts.
That is why the earlier you move – the better. And the best thing is start from the very beginning with the paid quality blog hosting with WordPress preinstalled and free domain name to create your own stand alone blog.
As stand alone blog will give you numerous opportunities such as real independence on a paid web hosting and a great chance for unlimited income!
Anna Berk
WordPress Plug-ins You Must Have
This article will show you what WordPress plug-ins are a must have to have installed on your blog and why.
If you are not familiar with WordPress, it is an open source project that lets users use the program for free. You can learn more about and get your own WordPress blog by visiting today.
In case you don’t know, Plug-ins are tools that extend the functionality of WordPress and offer custom functions and features so that each user can tailor their site to their specific needs. A list of Plug-ins can be found under the Extend heading at the website.
Installing the plug-ins in not to difficult. After the plug-in is downloaded, it the has to be uploaded to your blogs plug-in folder via a FTP site. If you are unfamiliar with this then check with your hosting company, as they usually have some kind of guide to help you.
Now lets discuss the plug-ins that you must have.
All in one SEO Pack – This plug-in will give you the edge at making your site Search Engine Optimized. It allows you to add custom title, description and keywords into the header of your posts and pages.
Akismet Spam Filtering – Akismet is a must if you are going to allow comments on your blog. It does a fine job at separating true comments and spam comments. If you seen a blog with a bunch of spam comments, then you know what kind of trash this plug-in will keep off of your blog.
Sidebar Widget – The sidebar widget allows you to move other widgets in and out of your sidebar like a category list or blogroll. Very handy indeed.
AdSense Manager – As the title says it helps you manage your AdSense on your blog. Comes in handy if you us AdSense.
These are a just a few of the hundreds of plug-ins that are available to incorporate into your WordPress blog. Feel free to explore and have fun with them and make the best blog you can.
Craig S. Andrews
Technorati Tags: custom functions, hosting company, must, open source project, org website, site search engine, true comments, wordpress, wordpress blog, wordpress plugins you must have