Manashosting cheap website hosting and domain free?
I had a real bad experience with and ,They offer a cheap package which I fell for . My site went down for almost 40 times in last 2 months ,finally i decide to quit them. Be prepared to open a support center for creating tickets with them if you register with them. What is government doing to control this small fake service providers over the net?
There are already 100s of bad reviews about this hosting provider. Just Google for simple keywords like manashosting reviews and you will know what I am talking about.
You may also like to check
and also note that that 99.99% of the good reviews that you will find on the net about them, are written by them only 😀 . Just ready a few reviews and you will see the patterns 😆
Anybody looking for good hosting provider in India may contact me. I can suggest you a few very very good providers which I use for over the years 🙂
Review of Honest Riches by Holly Mann
Holly Mann wrote the book Honest Riches which is a comprehensive guide which explains how to set up a website, build content, advertise, SEO, creating e-books with tips and tricks on internet marketing throughout as to how she personally gets her websites out there within weeks or a few months. She is an internet marketing guru who has written Honest Riches to assist those individuals looking to make money online. Her book helps beginners learn what approach to take and where to go for resources. She puts a huge focus on free resources since she is aware that many people starting out in internet marketing have little financial means. Is it really possible to make passive income online (being continuous income earned currently for one time efforts performed in the past). Yes it is. Holly Mann’s book Honest Riches, updated for the third time in 2008, tells you how to accomplish this in short order. You should also be aware that Holly Mann is sharing with you in her book Honest Riches, her personal techniques for making money online in 280 packed full pages. She prides herself on being an honest marketer.
Why Should You Buy Holly Mann’s Book called Honest Riches
This book is and/or will:
• an excellent resource for beginners and intermediate internet marketers and even senior web marketers will find new ideas and resources in her book
• provide you with resources for FREE information, programs, website building, autoresponders, cloaking devices, keyword searching, etc. for those on a tight budget
• packed full of information, advice, procedures, web tool resources, programs and links to the best websites available for information in internet marketing
• resources to cut to the chase and get down to making money quicker
• help you move in the right direction from the onset which will save you hours of time doing the research yourself
• teach you affiliate marketing basics, how it works, the difference between independent and network affiliate programs set out in a detailed precise chart, recommendations on what networks to join, how to find good affiliate programs, and even information for those outside of North America in other countries and what programs and networks are available to them, and a detailed checklist on what questions you need to ask when picking a network or program
• provide an explanation on cloaking and how necessary it is for you to understand why it is important to use it with your links together with free sources for cloaking software
• teach you how to profit without having a website including explaining niches, using forums to profit, forum signatures and how to use links within to promote your business, etc.
• provide you with tips on how to write a sales letter and/or review of a product, where to find the hottest and newest products to review and sell, where to submit your reviews online without a website, additional sources for learning how to write articles
• provide you with how to use social networks, web 2.0 and e-mail marketing to obtain business
• provide you with a detailed explanation of what autoresponders are and where to find the cheapest and best autoresponders
• teach and explain to you how to create a website including providing explanations about domain names, IP addresses, website hosting, website designs, special advice for beginners, HTML, PHP, content management systems, free websites
• provide you with how to hire a web designer, contracts for services, website design resources, and how to hire a web designer for free
• provide an explanation of RSS feeds, readers, finding and adding feeds, e-mail subscriptions for RSS feeds, and how to add an RSS Feed to your website
• provides an explanation and links respecting various types of advertising methods free and paid on the web including press releases, articles, directories, classified ad websites and how to websites, pay-per-click, and free reports with tips for all forms of advertising
• provides advanced monetization techniques including visual card directory, Amazon stores, social network marketing
• provide you with many tips, tricks, things to be careful about, top websites for matters discussed throughout the book, and many many resources for freebies
• The book is well written and easy to read, contains charts and diagrams to make the concepts easier to understand and has two indexes for ease of finding information
When I found Holly Mann’s book, Honest Riches, I was blown away by the amount of advice and information contained in the book. The Honest Riches book was recently expanded and updated to go from 95 pages to 280 pages packed full of new and current information and resources. I received the updated version free of charge because I had previously bought version 2. The 2008 version breaks down the procedures for doing online marketing more clearly so as to assist the beginner who has no concept of what making money online is all about and provides many more resources.
What’s In the Honest Riches Book
For those of you who really like to know more specific details about a book which normally cannot be easily ascertained from online marketing, the following is a book review of Honest Riches which is very long and detailed so that you can determine more carefully whether the book will cover the subject(s) that you need training on, information about or resources for. If the subject is covered in this book you can be assured the information comes from an excellent source. Holly Mann spends considerable time looking into the programs she promotes and always buys and uses all programs she promotes. She does not promote programs that she does not think are worthwhile. Holly Mann also includes her own personal tips and tricks.
Her current 2008 version of the book, Honest Riches, is really 10 books in one and focuses on the following:
• Affiliate Marketing
• Research & Preparations
• Profiting Without a Website
• Website Creation
• Search Engine Optimization
• Advertising Methods
• Product Creation
• Advanced Monetization Methods
• Internet Marketing Toolkit
• Holly Mann’s Personal Resources
Below is a summary of each of these books and what they will offer you. This book is for those who are at beginner or intermediate level in internet marketing. It can also assist senior internet marketers for new information they may not be aware of. Holly Mann is very proactive at providing new and updated information to her audience. She spends her time looking at all of the many ways of making money online so that she can provide these resources to her readers as time goes on.
Affiliate Marketing (Book 1 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
In this book Holly Mann explains what the different types of affiliate programs there are, how they work and how you get paid. Holly indicates in this book that affiliate marketing was her key to financial success online. She explains the difference between independent affiliate programs and affiliate networks and gives links to a number of the most popular and reliable affiliate networks, how they work and how you get paid by them. She also recommends a number of networks that deal with individuals who live anywhere in the world. She further provides a list of questions that you should ask yourself when you are thinking of picking a program or network and what you need to watch out for.
One of the interesting tidbits she provides in this book is about affiliate link cloaking. She goes into great depth about what it is, how to set it up and how it protects you from affiliate link theft. I had read about cloaking before but had no idea why it was such a benefit. Thanks to Holly Mann I now realize that I need to use cloaking for my affiliate links. You will too if you purchase her book.
Research & Preparations (Book 2 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
In this book Holly Mann has spent some time showing you what the difference is between goals and direction in order to ensure you proceed in the right manner from the onset. Remember she has already been through all this when she started to learn internet marketing and she has given you some tools for ensuring you do not get side tracked from your ultimate goal of making income on the web and the importance of “dreaming big”. For those of you such as myself who have spent many hours looking at a number of websites unsure which ones were the best to spend time on, this book will help eliminate some of those extra hours of work for you.
Holly Mann goes into great detail about keyword research tools. If you are not aware of what keywords are you must learn since it is a mandatory for being successful online. She goes into detail about what “keywords are, what “niches” are and provides resources for a variety of free and paid keyword research tools and the benefits of each including Wordtracker which has been claimed to be the best available for keyword research. Holly Mann claims that she has used Wordtracker regularly for all of her internet marketing research.
Profiting Without Websites (Book 3 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
In this section of Honest Riches, Holly Mann explains how to make money without a website through forum postings, writing reviews, ***. When I first heard about this concept I thought that I must have heard wrong since I could not fathom how this could actually work. Holly Mann sets out the different procedures including a discussion about how to make money adding affiliate links to forum postings without being considered spam and gives a number of different ways in which it can be done. She also gives a website that she personally made thousands of dollars from posting a simple short advertisement. In this book Holly Mann describes how to properly set up a signature in forums and the benefits of this. She further tells you how you can find the hottest items to focus on when selling online. She explains how to make money without a website by writing reviews of products and submitting them online in various places and provides you with links to some of the best places to post your reviews.
She even provides some excellent links to learn how to write effectively for the internet if you feel you need this. Some of these courses give excellent tips to assist you with your writing and even good writers can find new techniques that will improve their online writing which is another form of writing. There are also references to sites where you can write articles for others and be paid for them as well.
This section also includes information on how to make money using social networking websites, web 2.0 (being websites created by a community of users) and e-mail marketing (which includes an explanation of what autoresponders are and how they can help you make money and where to get an excellent one for a great price).
Website Creation (Book 4 of Honest Holly by Holly Mann
This book goes right through the entire process of setting up websites in various forms and includes ways of obtaining free resources. It is written for the beginner. She provides an explanation of what domain names and IP addresses are. Holly Mann explains what hosting your website means and gives you some excellent tips on what to look for in a hosting company along with a reference to a hosting company that I would recommend myself as a matter of fact. I was glad to see she promotes the same one since when I did my research Bluehost was my hosting company of choice and at that time I was not really knowledgeable to make the right decision.
There is a great section on website design which tries to teach you what not to do. Holly Mann does not want you to make the same mistakes she did and end up with hours of extra work. She has some very clear advice on this that should be looked at. Holly Mann gives you some recommended software to help you create the HTML and explains what HTML is and how to write it. She further goes into an explanation of PHP with excellent tips on how to use it on your website.
Holly Mann recommends everyone use content management systems (CMS) instead of HTML for the simple reason that everything is set up for you and making changes is very easy. Content management systems give you the ability to add, update and edit your site without needing an HTML editor or software to do so which provides for more flexibility and control. She also tells you where to go to get a number of good content management systems for free and describes two of her favourites in detail.
In cases where you might not want to prepare your website yourself, she has provided information and references for hiring a designer with tips on what to watch out for. She even has tips on how to get someone to do your website for free. Holly Mann always thinks in terms of the person who does not have a lot of funds.
She includes a website design lingo dictionary to assist you with terms you will need to understand and service contracts that you can use for hiring a web designer.
The last chapter in this book gives an explanation of RSS Feeds and how they can benefit you. She provides an explanation of feed readers, finding and adding RSS Feeds, e-mail subscriptions for RSS Feeds and how you can have an RSS Feed on your website.
Search Engine Optimization (Book 5 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
This is my personal favourite book in Honest Riches. Holly Mann goes in detail about how search engines work, how to get indexed in the search engines right away, how to do research on the market for your website.
She gives a research example on the SEO steps that should be taken for your new website which would be akin to a business plan. This is great because in this process she goes through the process in baby steps so you can learn how she would handle the SEO steps for a new project step by step.
Holly Mann has created over 150 websites and provides some input into her own personal experiences with SEO techniques to help you avoid making the same mistakes. The steps she provides for you are the exact same steps she uses herself every time she sets up a website. She has indicated that every single niche website she has optimized has reached top ranking in the search engines.
There is a step-by-step SEO Guide which includes keyword research, how to analyze your competition, linking strategies, purchasing a domain name, web hosting, website plan, articles, etc. She has many resources in this section including where to go for webmaster tools and free site map templates. She teaches you how to do reverse searching, what a robots text file is, and what you need to know about bots, spiders and crawlers when setting up your website. There are also some SEO Tutorials included.
Advertising Methods (Book 6 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
This is another one of my favourite books. One of the first methods she recommends are Press Releases and she provides you will information on what they are, how to draft one and a list of links where to go to publish them for free. I tend to use Holly Mann’s links for particular sites before I go to others since if she feels it is a good website to advertise in then that is enough for me. She also gives you tips on how to pay a small amount to get a higher ranking quicker and at what websites she feels it would be a good idea to invest.
Holly Mann discussed bringing your website up in the rankings by adding articles to article websites, adding your website to directories and adding advertisements to websites and provides tips she uses herself with respect to these submissions. She also discusses how to establish a presence online with “how to” websites and how to accomplish this and how to provide free reports and up sell at the same time and even includes a tutorial on how to prepare a free report.
There is a chapter explaining pay-per-click advertising, how to test campaigns and on affordable advertising for those who do not want to wait to get to the top of the search engines.
Throughout all of this section there is tip after tip from Holly Mann as to what she feels you should consider and focus on when trying to get your website up in the rankings quickly. Holly Mann explains how she has her site indexed within 2 weeks of putting it up. After I finished reading the 2008 guide I realized why my website was still not high enough in the rankings and exactly what I needed to do in order to improve my traffic.
Production Creation (Book 7 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
This book goes into great deal on how to create and sell an e-book online including tutorials on research, creating and selling, self-publishing, brand creation.
Advanced Monetization Methods (Book 8 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
This section is for the more advanced internet marketer and if the beginners follow Holly’s tricks and tips throughout, by the time they get to this section they will have enough understanding of how to use these advanced techniques.
Some of the things that she discusses are visual card directories, how to create an Amazon store, using videos to advertise your product, social network revenue sharing, video websites, targeted text-link traffic.
Holly Mann provides a lot of information on how to market on social networks and which networks you should go with in order to get the most impact and how to gain from this exposure.
IM Toolkit (Book 9 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
Holly Mann starts off this section by saying that almost everything required for internet marketing can be obtained for free and provides information and resources for open source software, public domain software, copylefted software, non-copylefted free software, GPL-covered software, GNU software, freeware, shareware, free website design templates, free WordPress Themes, free scripts, DHTML goodies, free fonts, images and graphics, photo software, and vector images, and goes into detail about what these different types of resources can provide to you.
There is a chapter on website ideas for making money and she provides examples and procedures for a number of types of adventures including certain types of websites that can make money and master resale rights.
Holly Mann’s Personal Resources (Book 10 of Honest Riches by Holly Mann)
Holly sets out her own personal resources in this section of the book and outlines some of her personal preferences such as e-mail programs, web browsers, web design software and much more. She also includes a list of her favourite internet marketing gurus that she recommends with links to their resources.
At the time of reading the third and most current version of Holly Mann’s book called Honest Riches, I felt I was at an intermediate level for understanding internet marketing. I have found many new and exciting ideas and resources in her book to continue me to senior level. If you are determined to make money through online marketing as I am, Holly Mann’s book can certainly help you get there quicker.
Although you can read specific sections in the Honest Riches book that might pertain to what you are interested in knowing at the onset, it is important that you read the entire book because there will be tips throughout that will help you with different aspects of your internet marketing.
This new 2008 version of the Honest Riches book very simply is 100% better than the previous versions. My main critique of the previous version 2 would have been that although it was geared to the beginner the information was provide in short context which made it hard for the beginner to understand if they did not have a lot of knowledge. She has definitely solved this problem by taking the time to explain very clearly from beginning to end what a beginner has to do to accomplish each aspect of internet marketing and added even more resources for everyone to take advantage of.
As a critique, I would suggest that a sub-index should have been included with the main index at the front of the book (as was done in a previous version so that it is more clear what each chapter in each book in the set deals with, however, the index at the back helps a lot to assist.
Even though there are now substantial tutorials throughout the book, it is still a book of resources and should be considered same and is there fore those beginners who need to watch their budget as they are growing their marketing online.
For more information you can go to
Holly Crosgrey
The Ways To Find Cheap Web Hosting
What Is It?
The peak care that you should comprehend is what lattice hosting is. Web hosting is the build on the internet that precisely hosts your website, the implant where you can lawns your site, thereupon to speak. If you have Inexpensive lattice hosting you are going to have a cheap place to put all of the information that is on your website, and you are going to have somewhere that you will be able to access this information from.
In directive to gem this start to drawing near information, and to win it for easily done money, you are bag to inclination to bonanza Inexpensive mesh hosting. There are many ways to go about this. You should do some research in order to find out where you can buy Inexpensive web hosting from. There are many places that will give you free web hosting, but they will have their stipulations. For some of them, there will be ads or banners that must appear on each page of your website. This is the way that these sites make money. Others will allow you to have ad and banner free web space, but you will need to use certain formats and put things in a certain way so that they will work on the website. If you are unsure about wanting to have adds, and if you are also unsure about wanting to conform to a certain thing when you are building your web site, you should look for Inexpensive web hosting instead of free web hosting.
Remember that adept are always questions you should strike when you are looking at net hosting. First of all, you should good buy out how exceedingly juncture you are stir to be allowed when you are buying interlacing space, and you should be sure that you are receipt an Inexpensive web hosting program which will have enough space for everything you’d like to put on the website. You should be sure that you are going to have enough room. You should also ask to know what happens if your site goes down.
Dome Phanthong
Web Hosting Has The Power To Transform Your Business Into An Internet Giant.
Web Hosting Has The Power To Transform Your Business Into An Internet Giant.
Businesses all over the world are in search of new and potential customers. They use different forms of mediums to advertise and market their products.
The globalization of economies has lead to the trend of making the world one market. This has been contributed largely due to the introduction of internet and e-commerce in the later eighties. Now, businesses all over the globe search for clients / customers with different intentions. All global companies have their own website to promote their businesses. A professional looking website will give you creditability, and will make your visitor feel very confident in you, your business and your product.
Are Websites Only For Businesses? There are false contentions that websites are developed only for business purposes. The truth is that there are more personal websites than business websites on the net. Many people prefer to have personal websites to have a say on various issues. They also maintain websites to be in touch with their loved ones.
What Makes A Good Website? There are two important aspects which make a quality website:
Good content and design
Quality web hosting
What is Web Hosting? Web hosting is an important attribute for a quality website. Web hosting is the service provided by many companies to host your website on the internet. To host your website on to the net, you require a dedicated server with good space and bandwidth. Many businesses cannot afford to have a dedicated web server for their websites. This brings into picture the need for the services of hosting companies.
What Makes Quality Web Hosting? There are many features which make a quality web hosting package. The important attributes are:
The first query thrown at hosting companies is the space provided by the companies. You require adequate space to host your web pages and run your applications. You may also need a database support. There are many packages available for you to suit your requirement. The space requirements differ for personal or a business website. There are also free web hosting companies which provide you good hosting services. It is always prudent for business websites to go for paid hosting services which are dependable. Personal websites can be launched by paid or free web hosting companies. A hosting company will be preferred if it provides quality web space.
Space requirements are not the only criteria to choose a quality hosting provider. There are other features provided by the hosting company are database support, backup support, support for query / script languages and download resume services. Many services will differ with each host provider.
The price for the hosting package must be reasonable. Quality web hosting solution doesn?t mean costly solutions. The hosting solution must be of best and economical as well. Many hosting companies have their products for different end users. Hosting plans will differ for business and Personal Web Hosting solutions. Normally Business hosting plans are costlier than personal hosting plans.
Quality must go with reliability. Any quality hosting plan must also be reliable. Website hosted on the servers of hosting companies must be reliable. The data transferred are nothing but the business of the client. This implies the hosting company must provide reliable servers to the clients.
Hosting companies provide many hosting options to its clients which are reliable and economical as well. Hosting plans will differ for business and personal clients. Hosting plans for business clients must be exhaustive to choose. Personal user plans must be cheap and attractive. Packages are the mixture of price and space provided by the hosting companies.
The flow of data in the website is very critical for the success of the website. Many free web space providers.
Is it better to host your blog on Hosting website (wordpress,blogspot) or on Your Personal Space?
I was wondering what benefits you have in hosting your blog on your personal space or on a blogging site.
can i get help regarding OS linux and unix .does these OS have soemthing equivalent to pws or IIS OR WINDOWSXP
I found out that using pws in windows 98 and 2000 pro or IIS in windows xp ,we don’t need to code a dynamic interactive stuff since i provides all these in the wizard as a temlate in other office applications.
But my newly hosted personal site was hosted in apache server which supports only linux and unix hence pws and iis work would go in vain although it looks good on the computer before its hosted or the files uploaded to my cpanel.
I am new to linux and no nothing of UNIX (does it have gui version too)
can you suggest some informative site about all this server stuff since its quite technically intricate for me atleast for the time being .
i actually am running an apache host on win2003 because i like it better than iis.
What’s a good site for hosting a website?
What is a good/cheap website hosting company? I know godaddy is cheap, but I heard a lot of bad things about them. I should add that this site is for a teacher. So I don’t need a lot of space/features. I prefer to pay monthly instead of paying for 12 or more months at a time. Thanks.
There are literally thousands of web hosting services out there some operate with their own servers and some operate as a reseller meaning they purchase a reseller account on a host and sell it under their own name.
There are various things you look for when trying to find a host. First since you’re new I’d suggest looking one with excellent support team who are willing to help with your technical questions and general website help.
Also you want to consider pricing it’s a very competitive market so you can find many great prices at rock bottom prices with various coupon codes.
Lastly you want to cons
I’d also caution you looking for reviews online many reviews online are actually sociated and influenced in some way. You can see an excellent host being trashed but a low grade host being praised it can be quite confusing.
If you’re looking to go with the popular brands with known great service some would be:
Host Gator, Host Dime, BlueHost
The cost of hosting varies greatly with shared hosting starting as low as $2-$15 depending on the package you purchase and the host you go with.
You also need to be caution of overselling host. Many host oversell since they are actually running at deficit. What they do is offer crazy packages claiming you this much harddrive but they can’t actually provide everyone that quoted amount of diskspace.
Essentially they aspect not everyone will use the max amount of space thus it’s a good promotional stunt making them believe they are getting more for their buck. If it’s managed proper there isn’t really any issue but if not your host can run into quite some issue as slow load time which will affect your SEO.
A slow host will also affect your Search Engine Rankings and affect user experience thus you want to be careful in choosing hosts.
VPS and Dedicated hosting do cost a lot more since it’s hard to oversell a VPS or a Dedicated Hosting they can range from $30-$400 depending on where you go and what features you add.
Generally if you’re just wanting to host one business website I’d go with shared hosting. Depending on the amount of media you have on your website I’d say it’ll take no more than 100 MB space max 1GB and these are high estimations. Most of my own sites only take about 10MB or less depending on the size.
You don’t need much bandwidth as well you just need to be save 10GB but for a high media site but for a text site with a couple of images I can get about 1000 page views only consuming 100MB so you got plenty of space.
These are the large hosts however there are also many established and great host which are also reliable the key thing is doing research.
I’d caution you once again on going with the top ten host recommendations kind of things. Host pay big money to affiliates. They pay $100/ client even shared hosting this is why many of these reviews and these sites will recommend bad host even if they know it’s bad. Also some of these sites are actually owned by the host itself.
BTW please do get in contact with me:
I’m sure I can help you out with finding a host. I’m an experience internet marketer with vast experience in web development and Search Engine Optimization as well as social media marketing so I’ve spent good couple months doing research on hosts to use.
I myself in the process of writing an honest site where I can share all the information I researched and found while helping new comers looking to start their own website. I’ll be providing a lot of resource on it shortly such as free guides on web site building, SEO, as well as templates, and advice, and suggestions.
It’s not fully up yet but do check it out and bookmark it please:
You’ll be sure to find a lot of useful resource in starting a site there shortly.
I can also help you with your website building but it’ll be too long to write that much. If you’re not experience with websites though you might want to steer clear of html as it might take too much time to update as you have to individually update each page. Instead use a CMS like Joomla or WordPress.
Also if you want just pm me if you’re hosting one or two small sites I’ll let you host on my shared account free depending on what you require to host. I have a couple shared hosting account and I haven’t maxed it out yet.
4 Elements to Make Your Blog More Successful
Blogging has become very popular on the internet. The search engines love blogs because they are always getting updated fresh content. Well, the successful blogs are always giving the search engines updated fresh content.
You can get a free blog with blogger or wordpress. They will even host your blog for you. But if you really want a successful blog then I suggest that you get your own domain name and hosting service. Be sure to get a hosting service with access to your cpanel and has Fantastico. Click on the Fantastico icon and you can install a wordpress blog on your site in minutes with a few clicks on your part.
Installing wordpress on your own domain gives you total control of your blog. If you have your blog on the wordpress domain your blog can be deleted without notice and then you will have lost everything.
Now that you have a blog, here are 4 elements to a successful blog
1. Get a theme for your wordpress blog.
You can use the generic theme that wordpress supplies or you can get a theme that is designed for your niche. Your blog will look much more professional and people will come back to visit your blog. You can find free wordpress themes by searching in google.
2. Content
You need your blog full of useful unique content. This is the best way to keep your readers interested and keep coming back to your blog. At first, try and put a new post on the blog everyday. After you have a good amount of useful unique content, then you can scale back to 2 or 3 times a week. In your content educate your readers about your niche and find problems that most people in your niche are having. Research the solutions to the problems and post them on your blog.
3. Give away a free report
Have an opt in box and make them give you there name and email address. This way you can start building a subscriber list and you can email them more information about your niche and also tell them about affiliate products they can buy which gives you a commission on each sale.
4. Monetize your blog with Adsense
Google adsense displays ads that are relevant to the content on your blog. This is very important because the visitors to your blog will be interested in the ads that are being displayed. It is a win-win situation for everybody. The visitor clicks on the ad to find the information he/she is looking for and you get a paid for the click.
When putting adsense ads on your wordpress blog, I would recommend that you find a wordpress theme that already has the ads in the code. Good wordpress adsense templates will have the ads in the high click areas.
Peter OBrien
How to Make Quick Money Via How-Tos
The Internet has a plethora of ideas on how to make quick money, some scams and schemes, some legitimate business opportunities. You often have to tread carefully because most scams and schemes ask for payments on e-books, software and referrals before you can actually earn money.
So, the best way how to make quick money boils down to making your own money! After all, what person in his right mind will fool himself with his own scam? Definitely not you, considering that you are reading this article with the intent of earning money via the Internet the guaranteed way! And making how-tos for the Netizens out there is one of the surefire ways.
Instructional Blogs
Perhaps you have heard of a 13-year-old boy from the Philippines who writes about how to make quick money online and related topics on his blog. If you have, then you will be inspired to know that he is still at it! And earning thousands in a year, if you must know.
If a teenager can make money on the Internet, with the assumption that he probably knew less than you did when he started on his blog, then you can earn money, too, with instructional blogs! Note the term “blogs” as you can actually maintain many of these provided you have the patience and the perseverance to learn about SEO, affiliate marketing, Goggle AdSense and other online money-making ways.
However, you are not limited with advising others about how to make quick money online. You can find your own offline niche to blog and brag about – how to recycle furniture, how to get your ex back, how to perform spells, how to speak in public and whatever how-to you know about.
Just remember that you have to find your own style, your own niche, your own loyal readership. With the overabundance of self-made gurus in the blogosphere, you have your work cut out for you to stand out from the rest.
There are many ways to start your own instructional blog – Blogger, TypePad and WordPress come to mind – that will assist you in blog creation and blog hosting. You can then learn as you earn from there.
How-To Videos
If you believe you have the filmmaking savvy of Steven Spielberg and the hosting pizzazz of Jay Leno, then producing and starring in how-to videos can earn you big-time money. And on a part-time, film-as-you-get-inspired, minimal-crew-needed basis, to boot!
You can hone your filmmaking and scriptwriting skills while you sharpen your hosting charm with this most enjoyable, and dare we say one of the more profitable, of ways how to make quick money over the Internet. Four birds with one stone are not half-bad!
For example, at Metacafe, you can earn $5 for every 1,000 views. You can earn as little as $250 to much as $2,000 a month depending on the quality of your videos. Not bad considering that you can pay the bills with a few hours work each month!
Of course, Metacafe is not the only site that pays for how-to videos. You can also become a video producer for Howcast, YouTube, VideoJug, and Instructables. So, get your camcorders out, polish your scripts and tell ’em Netizens what to do, how to do it and why do it!
You can even make an instructional video on how to make quick money and pass on your knowledge to others. Watch how your income soar beyond your wildest dreams!
Ainsley Howard