Your Questions About Hosting CompaniesWhat is Web Hosting? Top 5 Best Web Hosting ServicesWhat is Web Hosting? Top 5 Best Web Hosting ServicesFree domain names for your personal or business use

Do you think this website hosting is cheap?

Do you think this website hosting is cheap? >><<

It’s pretty cheap, but you can get more for that price.

If you don’t need more than 3 GB of disk space I recommend They are one of the leading European hosting companies (hosting over 500 000 websites), and they currently have a promotion in the UK. They are offering free hosting and a domain (you have to pay the £9.00 setup fee and that’s it). Every plan includes Photo Gallery, WebEditor (so you can build a website without knowledge of HTML), Google Adwords coupon (so you can advertise your website on google for free) and a lot more. Check them out.

If you need more space/options I recommend either Godaddy Economy or the Deluxe plan:

Use the promo code emma2 to get the 20% discount

or Dreamhost

Use the promo code PLUS and get
$50 discount +2 Free domain names.

Disk space: 500 GB
Bandwidth: 5000 GB
2 Free domain names
Unlimited domains and subdomains
Price: $5.78/month ($69.40/year)

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Free Cpanel Web Hosting With Php5/mysql – No Advertising!

Free cPanel Web Hosting with PHP5/Mysql – no advertising!
Register now:

We can offer you a free web hosting package packed with advanced features for hosting & building professional dynamic websites. We provide secure free web space with all the web hosting tools you could possibly ever need.

Our package includes:
– 1500 MB of Disk Space, 100 GB Bandwidth
– Host your own domain (
– cPanel Powered Hosting (you will love it)
– Over 500 website templates ready to download
– Easy to use website builder
– Free POP3 Email Box with Webmail access
– FTP and Web based File Manager
– PHP, MySQL, Perl, CGI, Ruby.
– And many more..

Click here to visit us:     

Welcome to the first and only – user donations supported free web hosting service. We provide you will the most reliable and feature-rich web hosting service without advertising. Lightning fast website loading speed, zero downtime, fanatic user support and instant activation – that is why you will love doing business with – $0.00 webhost

1500 MB Disk Space, 100 GB Data Transfer

We have enough room for your website, emails and databases. All our servers are also connected to dedicated 10mbps internet lines, so we can give you 100 GB data transfer absolutely free.

PHP with MySQL Database Support

Unlike other free webhosts we do support PHP and MySQL with no restrictions. You get full access to the latest version of PHP and MySQL. The following PHP features are fully supported:

  • PHP mail() function and Sendmail
  • Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
  • fopen() and PHP sockets
  • safe_mode is OFF, file uploads ON
  • Zend Optimizer support, Ioncube loader.. and much more features are enabled

cPanel Control Panel

cPanel is the most advanced control panel in industry. It has tons of features and it is easy to use even for newbie. Interactive help, video tutorials will help you to understand why cPanel is the best and you will never want to switch to anything else. cPanel is widely used by the paid hosts, but we are giving you it absolutely free!

Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller

Finally! We are the first free web hosting company that gives you access to Fantastico Autoinstatler. Fantastico is a system designed to make installing popular scripts easy. If you want to improve your web site with a discussion forum or an online gallery to show everyone your latest holiday snaps, you can. With a few clicks of your mouse your web site will be transformed into a fantastic resource for you, your business or your family.

Fantastico can install over 40 popular scripts such as: Drupal, Geeklog, Joomla, Xoops, WordPress, b2evolution, Support Logic Helpdesk, phpBB2, SMF, OS Commerce, ViPER Guestbook, Coppermine Photo Gallery, PhpWiki, PHPauction, WebCalendar and more.

Website Builder Software

Our hosting is supercharged with SiteReptile website builder. SiteReptile is the easiest to use website builder in the market. Just 3 steps (enter your login details, select one of 330 high quality templates and click ‘publish’) and your website is ready online for editing. Just one click – and you have subpage created or contact form inserted.

Frequency Asked Questions!

  • Why it’s all free? How do you earn?
    We have 3 funding sources: we own paid hosting company, and we have strong financial ground; our service is user donations supported – each day we receive donations from happy users; and finally, we earn by offering paid upgrades for those who need more disk space and more services.
  • How long your hosting will be free?
    Forever! Now we are 4 years in paid hosting business and over a year in free hosting market and we don’t see any problems to keep everything up and running.
  • What are your guarantees?
    1. We own all servers. No one can shut down or reload any server with your data.
    2. Bandwidth will never run out, we have dedicated 10mbits connection lines on each server.
    3. All accounts are backed up every 30 days and stored on remote server. You can also generate and download your account backup from cPanel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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Cheap Web Hosting and What Server to Choose

Be it a small personal web page or a large online business or large company, everyone needs web space on the World Wide Web. Consider this as the online real estate that you own. A web hosting service can help you achieve this for a fixed monthly or yearly fee. The hosting provider will give you a unique domain name if required, a certain amount of bandwidth and disk space and a plethora of other utilizable features, tools and benefits.

Before you go shopping for a web-hosting provider, remember to perform a price comparison, feature comparison and technical support comparison between various providers. This will give you a basic idea about the hosting industry and what essentials would be required for your website. It is very important to make a well-informed decision to save yourself getting lured into the cheap scheme offers. It is also important to note that a hosting package does not have to be necessarily expensive as they do not always include superior features or benefits or may come with certain costs. There are many hosting providers out there who would offer an affordable hosting package with all-inclusive features and tools. Remember, web hosting packages should not rip you off and yet deliver you the essentials required for smooth functioning of your website. For just a few dollars per month, there are many web-hosting providers who would readily let to host multiple domains.

Cheap web hosting can be considered as an option if you have a tight budget to begin with or are just looking to create a web presence or are starting to get a feel of the web hosting industry. You must however ensure that you get a quality shared server lest it may slow down your website. Perform an analysis and read customer reviews on cheap web hosting and then make a judicious decision.

The most important decision for the customer is to determine which server to choose for hosting their website. The web hosting controls the servers where is website and data is stored and the type of server you choose would determine the quality and quantity of traffic your website would receive and controls other aspects of your website.

A dedicated server is best for large companies or online businesses as in this type of server an entire server is dedicated to all your web pages and comes equipped with a plethora of utilizable features and tools. This is the most powerful server to choose for web hosting.

A shared server is much cheaper and many users share the same server and resources to host their website with the hosting company.

The Virtual private server or VPS is another medium between the above two alternatives. In this type of server, the server is partitioned and you do not use an entire server for your website as in dedicated. It however eliminates all the hassles involved with shared hosting as the server is partitioned and other users would not affect your server in any way.

Bob Willis

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A Surefire Web Business For You

If you really want to start a Web-based business, but really don’t know where to start, then listen up. If you have no product of your own, the best thing that you can do is investigate affiliate programs.

What is an affiliate program? It’s basically a commission-only sales arrangement. Someone with a product or service will offer to let you sell it for them in exchange for a cut of the selling price. Typically with a hard product you’ll be lucky to get 10% commission on sales. The good news is that downloadable products such as ebooks and software will often pay you 50% of the sales price as an affiliate – you can even find deals where you get 75%.

If you’re just starting out you are certainly advised to begin your affiliate selling career by selling downloadable products because they are the ideal in our ‘instant gratification’ society. Your customers don’t have to wait around after paying their money they can immediately download their purchase over the Internet. If you go to, you’ll find they have several thousand different downloadable products you can sell as an affiliate, and the majority offer you at least 50% commission. Signing up is a simple one-time process and you’ll then be able to use your Clickbank ID to sell any of the products in their online catalogue.

You can browse the Clickbank catalogue by subject area to find something that interests you. In any given subject area you will usually find that there are several related products that you could sell from a tightly-focused Website where you could set up pages to pre-sell the products you have selected and then place a link that your customers can click on which will take them to the affiliate site to place their order – and if they do that, you get your commission.

One of the best types of site you can build using the above ideas is a review site. Set up some simple pages on your Website comparing and contrasting the features of several related products that you’ve picked out to sell. All you really need to do is go along to the vendors Website which will basically be a sales page for their product. Here they’ll list the features and benefits of their product. You can adapt this information to highlight the similarities and differences between two or more of the products to help your customers to choose which product would be the most suitable for their own particular circumstances.

What is the easiest type of Website you can set up to achieve the above? You’ve probably heard the buzz by now surrounding blogs and blogging. One of the main reasons blogs are recommended for setting up tightly-focused niche topic Websites is that they are usually easier to get traffic to from a standing start than conventional Websites.

Another good reason for choosing a blog as your site-builder of choice is that they are comparatively easy to set up if you’re a Website building novice. Once you’ve carried out some pretty basic setting up, the software behind the blog handles most of the major house-keeping chores, like making sure all of your pages are properly linked together. All you have to do is to keep adding on-topic content regularly.

Two good choices if you want to experiment with blogs for your niche affiliate review sites following the above model are WordPress and Blogger. WordPress is free open source software that resides on your own Web server – so you’ll need some hosting of your own if you want to go this route. This is certainly the preferred way to go because if you’ve got your own domain name and hosting you’ll present a more professional image to your customers. You will also have more control over the look and feel of your site.

If you are a complete novice and you just want to test the waters to see if this niche marketing with affiliate sites thing is for you, then the cheapest (free) way to get involved is to go to, sign up for a free account and make use of the free Blogspot hosting.

Whichever blogging route you choose, once you have your blog set up, just put your review articles on it comparing and contrasting the affiliate products you’ve chosen, as detailed above. To bulk out the content on your blog, just look around the Net for news items and information on the subject area you’ve chosen and write some articles based around these.

Once you have one blog set up with a decent amount of content on it, just rinse and repeat. Find some more subject areas that interest you and put more blogs together on these subjects, based around more good affiliate products that you can promote.

There are people out there right now who are making very good money using nothing more than these, and similar, ideas. How will you know whether you could join them if you don’t give it a try?

Deepak Dutta

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Советы по настройке нового сервера


По мере возможности собран воедино собственный практический опыт и множественные рекомендации, встречающиеся в инете, провереные практическим применением в процессе эксплуатации на нескольких серверах на датацентрах в США и Канаде. Приведённый ниже текст не претендует на полноту изложения материала и на его налучшее отображение. Да и к тому же mysql php хостинг сайтов сейчас очень модно.

Рекомендации сведены к наиболее распространенной и перспективной ОС RHE(Red Hat Linux) и cPanel/WHM как наиболее применяемой в настоящее время серверной оболочке управления. Приведённая комбинация не лишена недостатков, но по-видимому не существует идеальных комбинаций, а сломать сдуру можно всё…

Изложение материала автор постарался упорядочить по принципу «от простого и нужного к сложному и менее важному», но порядок не гарантируется, а приоритеты могут различаться в зависимости от взглядов и вкусов.


Ваш первый сервер.

Если вы начали читать эти заметки, значит возникла необходимость получения таких вещей как недорогой hosting, платный хостинг, обеспечения его безопасности и поддержке сервера в работоспособном состоянии. Расходуя минимально возможное время и материальные ресурсы – обычно после заказа первого выделенного сервера нет ни того, не другого…

Чаше всего с подобными проблемами сталкивается либо начинающий хостер, довольно опрометчиво поспешивший расстаться со статусом реселлера в надежде на молочные реки и кисельные берега на собственном выделеном сервере, либо создатель интернет проекта, которому стало тесно на шаред-хостинге и решено (а иногда и насильно вынужден был) перейти на свой выделенный сервер.

Почему опрометчиво? Если вы еще это не поняли, жизнь покажет вам свои зубы в виде атак хакеров на лучший реселлинг хостинга, повисаний сервера по необьяснимой причине, безуспешных попыток настроить требуемые клиентами програмные пакеты и прочих «радостей» собственного сервера.

Первая заповедь:

Всё или почти всё из перечисленного далее должно быть сделано до появления на сервере вашего первого клиента или вашего собственного проекта. Этим вы не только упростите жизнть себе, но и сэкономите время и деньги. Ибо с появлением нагрузки и трафика появляются и первые проблемы в виде вторжений неавторизованых юзеров, незапланированых перегрузок, да и восстанавливать всегда дольше, сложнее и дороже, чем создавать с чистого листа стабильно работающий и безопасный сервер.

Заповедь вторая:

Не экономьте! Очень часто стремление сэкономить превышает всё остальное, сервер берётся самый дешевый, как по конфигурации, так и по уровню датацентра, а через некоторое время обнаруживается, что еще до конца текущего года лимит производительности будет исчерпан, развиваться станет некуда и сервер, только что отлаженый и оптимизированый, уже нуждается в замене на более мощный и производительный.

Ваш выйгрыш в результате подобной экономии – 5-8 месяцев вы платите на 10-20$ меньше, это 50-160$.

Проигрыш – необходимо опять платить за инсталяцию нового сервера датацентру. ( динохост регистрация доменов )

От 30 до 100$.

Требуются услуги наёмного админа для инсталляции всего того, что вы сами не поставите или не имеете времени на это – от 20 до 150$ одноразово.

Кроме того, даже в самом удачном случае сайты, переносимые с сервера на сервер какой-то период времени работают плохо или вообще не работают (в зависимости от опыта и квалификации персонала датацентра, регистратора ваших доменов и вашей собственной удачи).

Для собственного проекта – это потери моральные и, по видимому, материальные.

Для хостера – это недовольные клиенты, что тоже потери, зачастую просто невосполнимые.

Поэтому решаясь на покупку или аренду выделенного сервера, оцените свои возможности и потребности и постарайтесь не обходиться самым минимумом, необходимым вам сегодня. Взгляните шире и дальше. Лучше всего за горизонт времени.


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Get Your Website Up and Going With Reliable Web Hosting Service

Every business is always in search of some reliable medium which can assist brand promotion very fast. Except internet, no other medium would be able to serve this purpose better. Its greater market reach has made this possible. A simple and user-friendly website is a must for a brand new business. But it needs an effective web hosting to be live online. There are millions of companies offering cheap web hosting packages. With so many hosting options in hand, one generally gets confused in choosing the best as well as cost-effective one among them.

One can easily find two types of web hosting services in online world through search engines. Though free website hosting option is there but it is not found to be useful for commercial websites. That’s why one should select from tons of paid web hosting service matching one’s budget. Even a good website hosting plan can be found with unlimited websites for as low as ten dollars a month. Most of the website host offers you a web hosting plan package where the payment option varies depending upon the type of package on offer.

Phalanxinfotech, is a premier web hosting provider company, providing cost-effective, standard and secured web hosting services for both windows and linux platforms. Our cheap web hosting plans include shared windows hosting and linux hosting, reseller hosting and VPS hosting to dedicate servers in it. A 99.99% server uptime guaranty and virus as well as email spam protected web hosting environment is the speciality of our website hosting solutions.

Special Features of Web Hosting Plans: –

  • Selects the best hosting service matching your requirements.
  • Web hosting cost varies depending upon the allowed bandwidth. It will be more if dedicated servers are allowed.
  • Hosting servers are up 24/7 hours and offer 99% server uptime.
  • Allows enough disk space for maximum data transfer
  • Provides standard email address as well as other script related facilities.
  • Offers control panel facility with web hosting

All of our web hosting packages are reliable, secured and include world-class technical support and customer care service. So don’t bother about your web hosting program any further and get everything, it needs to take your business to new heights with us.

Basant Behura

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Any freehost that has Control Panel(cPanel), MySQL, PHP, and FTP?

cPanel includes MySQL, PHP, and FTP. I need to host my website and everything.



Is there any way I can use my own PC to host my website? Im using Windows XP not Linux. I thought Linux can only do this?

you mean like this info:

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Do you know a company that does cheap domain names and free or cheap hosting for uk website?

We’ve used Easyspace for years. Domain name and hosting at about £30 each for a year, although I think your first year’s domain includes hosting.

It’s really easy to upload your site and there’s someone at the end of the telephone if you need to talk to them.

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What is Blogging and How Can You be Making Money Doing It?

You may be asking, “So, what is blogging?” Blogging is simply putting thoughts, opinions, advice, memories, and anything else you want to write about on an online journal that the public can see. Instead of writing in a little book hidden away that only your eyes will ever see, blogging is the idea of making content public on the internet. Many online businesses and individuals have taken advantage of the power that posting new content on the web can bring and are making money blogging on a regular basis.

If you have been online for any amount of time you will notice that there are literally thousands upon thousands of blogs on the internet. It shouldn’t surprise us any, as the majority of people on the internet are content hungry. Google in fact rewards websites that post new updated content frequently. Content is King. How many times have you heard that statement before? There is a reason you’ve heard it so many times.

The internet revolves around content. If you have an online business you should be posting new content on a regular basis. The best way to do this, and by far the easiest, is to have a blog. Post articles, product reviews, product announcements, tips on a particular subject or niche. The possibilities are virtually endless when it comes to the type of content you can post on your blog.

Blogger and WordPress are the most popular blogging software. Blogger is very easy to use and setup. Your blog can be hosted on the Blogger domain, or on your own domain. WordPress is the same as far as the hosting goes; however, the features available are a lot more complex. WordPress has many powerful features that are at your disposal, and it can be a little hard to figure everything out. There are many tutorials and videos on how to use WordPress and all the add-ons that it has.

Once you have your blog setup it’s time to start posting. You want to provide relevant information about whatever topic you want to write about. Provide information that will help your readers. Post as often as possible and your readers will stay loyal to you. Once you have a following, you can monetize on the traffic your blog is bringing in. There are many ways to do this, and I will point out a couple of them.

One way you can be making money blogging is by putting Google Adsense ads on your blog. Advertisers pay a fee, a cost per click, to have their ads placed on other people’s websites. When a visitor comes to your blog and clicks on one of the ads, you get paid a percentage of the cost. This is a great way to earn some extra income with your blog.

Another way you can be making money blogging is by signing up for an affiliate program and advertising it on your blog. The program should relate to the content of your blog. If someone signs up for the program through you, you get paid a commission. Depending on the program, you can even get paid every month for each member you refer. You can also sell individual products as an affiliate. Great places to find products are at either Clickbank or Commission Junction.

These are just a couple out of many other ways that you can be making money blogging. Use your imagination and get creative. Blogging can be fun, but it is also hard work posting new content every day. It will take a lot of time and effort, but if you are serious it can be done. Any online business should provide a blog for their readers because it is a good way to help their website ranking in the search engines. Hopefully now you have a better understanding of what blogging is and how you can be making money with it.

Alan Mater

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Best Website Hosting for Small Business Best Website Hosting Ready Made Web Hosting

Your Questions About Hosting CompaniesWhat is Web Hosting? Top 5 Best Web Hosting ServicesWhat is Web Hosting? Top 5 Best Web Hosting ServicesFree domain names for your personal or business use