What is a good website hosting service if you have a holiday property to let (preferably free)?

We have a property in Bulgaria and i want to build a free or cheap website to promote it. Are there any site hosting services which would have predesigned templates useful for property letting, including booking forms, etc.? Would prefer user recommendations rather than commercial approaches. Thanks!

You can advertise your holiday home on these sites for free.
I have a holiday home in Poland and use these plus my own site. http://www.polandholidayhomerental.com
Also you can add pic’s and description of your property.
I found Yahoo site builder easy to use for building my site.
You can download the program to design your site for free. but you have to pay once you have put it on line. mine costs £6.75 a month

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What’s Hot and What’s not on Blog Services

Although podcasting has definitely surpassed the popularity and usefulness of blogging nowadays, that certainly doesn’t mean blogging is a dying art. Not at all! If you take the time to browse around the Internet, you’ll see the members of popular blog hosting communities are still rapidly growing. If you’re not yet part of this crowd, you better jump on the bandwagon soon to experience the same fun and excitement.

Pressing the Keys at WordPress – http://www.wordpress.com

There are a lot of things to look forward to at WordPress besides the wonderful fact that it’s free to use whether for business or personal purposes. Newbies and advanced users alike will enjoy blogging at WordPress with the many features available for use such as entry previews, blog categories, and blog rolls.

Thumbs-Ups: You can add plug-ins and customize your blog layout. WordPress also provides constant updates for their users.

Thumbs-Down: A bit of software knowledge is, however, required for users to properly install WordPress. If you have enabled commenting in your site, don’t be surprised to find that more than a few spammers are developing a habit of dropping by your site.

Fire up at FeedBurner – http://www.feedburner.com

Do you think your blog is worth broadcasting? If so, you should consider moving from your old blog community to FeedBurner. In this website, they won’t just help you create content, they’ll spread around the word about your blog as well.

Thumbs-Ups: With the standard free package, FeedBurner allows you to set up the configuration for your blog for easy posting and even use an RSS subscription button to automatically update the readers of your blog. The website also lets you know the average number of visits your blog has per day with the FeedBurner hit counter and other traffic statistics. You can earn money on the sideline from blogging at FeedBurner because the website permits you to use Google Ads in your blog.

Thumbs-Down: Unfortunately, the template editing section of FeedBurner is not that easy to master.

Everything in One at Multiply – http://multiply.com

If you wish to blog, upload photos, videos, music files, write reviews, and post your social calendar online in just one website, all you have to do is sign up for an account at Multiply.

Thumbs-Ups: Photo uploading is virtually unlimited, and images can be classified by albums, and given captions. Skin choices are provided to give your blogs more color and life. The URL is pretty easy to memorize – username.multiply.com. Lastly, RSS feeds are allowed.

Thumbs-Down: On writing reviews, Multiply doesn’t give users much freedom on customizing content by font type or color. Layouts can be edited…but only if you have CSS knowledge and even with that, customizing is still somewhat limited. Smiley list is pitifully inadequate.

Live and Write Freely at LiveJournal – http://www.livejournal.com

With a hip nickname such as “LJ”, LiveJournal is a website that’s especially suitable for the fun-loving crowd that’s always on the go.

Thumbs-Ups: Bonds forged online are strengthened by LJ’s email notifications for commenting. Thus, if someone comments in your blog, an email will be sent to inform you about it. Likewise, an email will be sent to you if your comment on someone else’s LJ receives a reply – whether it’s from the blog owner or another blogger doesn’t matter.

Thumbs-Down: LJ however is less easy to customize than other blogs. Some features that are already offered free by other blog hosting sites are on the other hand available only for LJ members with paid accounts.

Be In Vogue at Xanga – http://www.xanga.com

Teenagers seem to be absolutely enamored with Xanga. If you desire a blogging process that’s easy and stylish at the same time, Xanga is definitely the blog hosting site you’re looking for.

Thumbs-Ups: Besides having community-based blogging to look forward to, each post you make will allow you to inform your readers what you’re presently reading, watching, or playing. You can also upload photos, music, and write categorized reviews. A guest book is automatically offered to users.

Thumbs-Downs: Although Xanga allows users to make use of RSS feeds; it would take them some time to properly integrate it in their blogs. The customize layout options is sadly limited, the URL provided for members is a mouthful, and commenting is exclusive for Xanga members only.

So, what do you think? Which blog hosting site do you plan to choose? Wherever you end up blogging, we wish you well! Blog on!

Caroline Miller

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Top Tips On Web Hosting And SEO

Web Hosting and SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

We have seen many organisations completely ignore Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) when considering a hosting package, web hosting and seo should be a key consideration in the selection process. SEO is an important step in creating a website and should should be taken into serious consideration before you even begin to build your website, one of the considerations here is hosting.

Country Specific Domain Names

If the majority of all of your customer base is located for example in the UK, then you should get hosting in the UK.However if your server is located in the US for example you can still localise your domain (learn how to do) to improve rankings on Google UK search.

Staying on the example of serving a customer base largely or complete based in the UK using a TLD: http://.co.uk tells search engines that your are indeed based in the UK. Even having a http://.co.uk domain name and a server hosting your website in Germany or the US having that crucial http://.co.uk is a strong enough statement.

However don’t be tricked into typing ‘UK Web Hosting’ into Google and going with the first result as some UK Web Hosting companies actually have servers based overseas and with the combination of a .com domain name your chanced of appearing in the Google UK search from the web and pages from the up is limited.

In an ideal world in this scenario you should have reliable hosting in the UK and a http://.co.uk domain name, however there are ways around it if you do not.

If you are based in the UK and own a .com and not http://.co.uk, you could purchase http://.co.uk TLD and forward your .com to the http://.co.uk however there is risk in this if you site has build up a good reputation and has a strong back link campaign and high page rank. You can always try to localise your domain.

But in conclusion to rank in a regional specific area you either need hosting in your country or a local TLD e.g. http://.co.uk, you don’t necessarily need both. 

Avoid Cheap Web Hosting – consider web hosting and seo …

Simply knocking up a quick website, rushing the design, back end coding and on site search engine optimisation and finally wacking it onto the cheapest server you find is not going to deliver any success at all, if you are serious about creating a professional authoritative website then you really needs to invest wisely in web hosting. As mentioned above why attract unwanted visitors from unwanted locations.

Sometime cheap hosting companies will offer ridiculous amount of free space, however this can have an adverse effect on down time, and this means that your website may not always be available upon request. This not only has a knock on effect on SEO but also website usability as it may cause problems for website visitors to visit your website when they want to, what is worth adding here also is if search engine spiders cannot access your website and follow links throughout your site this will obviously have an effect on your SEO campaign.

Again some webhosts that offer cheap hosting use a method where your domain is redirect to the back of another Website. This can cause problems with the search engines reaching your website and website content.

I have also found that some cheap hosting providers host sites that have been banned from the search engines; this of course will have more than a negative effect on search engine rankings.

Avoid Hosting Multiple Domains on the Same Server

Yes it does seem very tempting to buy server space and hosting more than one domain. Let’s just say that search engines e.g. Google may frown upon this type of behavior. Search Engines may believe that the company hosting these multiple domains is attempting to artificially link together hence trying to manipulate search engine with the objective of increase rankings in the search engine results pages. However this can and often does results in a decrease in SERP rankings.

In conclusion consider web hosting and seo as working to compliment each other in your efforts to achieve effective search engine ranks, check out the resources below.

Jonathan Aston

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Blogging: Three Ways of Creating a Blog to Get Traffic to Your Website

Blogging is a great way to get traffic to your website, and if you create a blog for no other reason than that, you are practically certain to get positive results. Blogging and traffic are made for each other for can visit to www.feed-reader-links.com, and there are several ways of using blogs to promote products on your site.

The first question is what kind of blog? Although there are alternatives, the most popular blogging software packages are Google’s Blogger and WordPress. This offers you four blogging options, and three ways of creating a blog to get traffic to your website.

Why four from just two blogging packages? Here is the answer to that question, and how if you create a blog using each, you will maximize your earning potential from your products:


Blogger is blogging software owned by Google. Most people run their blog from BlogSpot, Bloggers blogging host. When you do that you have less control over your blog than if you operate it from your own IP address. Blogger is very easy to use, and very easy to get started with, and is popular with those who don’t want to worry about templates, plugins and designing their own blogs.


WordPress can also be run from the WordPress hosting site. However, where WordPress scores over Blogger is in the fact that the software can be uploaded to your website, and can be run from there for the help www.rss-announcers.com. This enables you to use any of the thousands of WordPress plugins and templates that provide an almost unlimited degree of functionality in your blogging that will help to drive traffic to your website.

When you create a blog with any of these two different packages, whether run from your own computer or from the blog host, you are able to provide fresh content daily to your virtual website. Because that is what a blog is: it is in effect a web page, in the same way that a Squidoo lens and a page on a website is a web page.

Bogging and Search Engines

Blogging allows you a presence on search engines such as Google and Yahoo, and allows those with little idea of SEO or even of web design, to sell products online. There was a time when blogs were a rarity and something new, but blogging is now a way for anybody that knows how to create a blog can drive traffic to their website or to their blog page and help they make money through free advertising.

However, even a blog has to be advertised. Blogging in itself is not an advertising technique, but one of displaying your thoughts, idea, products or advertising your products. Now, you might think I am being a bit duplicitous here, stating that blogging is not a means of advertising yet can be used to advertise! Yet both statements are true. Let me explain why.

Is Blogging an Advertising Technique?

Yes and no. You can create a blog in order to get traffic to your website, and in that respect you are using your blog for advertising. You can place a link to your website: your squeeze page, sales page or just a content page. The question is, how do you get people to read your blog, and then click on one of these links? The link could be placed at the bottom of every post, and on a permanent page on your blog, but how do yet get traffic to your blog: you have the same problem now as getting traffic to your website!

What you have here is that blogging can be use to promote another site, whether it be a website, another blog or a social networking site such as Facebook, MySpace or YouTube. You can use all of these to promote and sell products. However, how do you get people, to find your blog? Creating a blog is fine, but that is only the start.

www.instant-blog-and-ping.com www.bloggers-guide-to-profit.com


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Know All Abot Domain Registration and Hosting

The domain name of a website is an unique identity on the web. By domain registration, a company or individual can host their own website and make their presence felt on the Internet. For registering a domain few simple steps need to be followed. First step is to figure out whether the domain name is available. There are different extensions available for domains. These are .com, .org and country specific registration such as .au, .in. and .uk. Once you are sure that your preferred domain name is available you need to go ahead and book the domain either in your name or the company’s name. After you register the domain, no other entity can stake claim to that domain unless you decide to drop or sell it.

The next step is to design and develop the website. You can either book your hosting space at the time of registering your domain or at a later date. If you think that it is important to test your website in a live environment then it is better to book the hosting space when you start development of the website. The web hosting company provides the disk space with a web server necessary to launch the site. All your website files will be hosted in this space. There are different types of hosting that are available and you need to understand which one suits your requirement the best. Windows hosting, Linux hosting and JSP are some of the common hosting packages offered by web hosting companies.

Web hosting companies offer different kinds of hosting packages. Depending upon your requirement you can choose the package that suits your requirements. For a personal or small business, you just need web space around 20MB to 100MB. The hosting package that you buy depends on the technologies on which you are developing the website. A website developed in ASP can be hosted with the Windows hosting package and not the Linux hosting. This is because Linux Server will not support ASP. Similarly there are different permutations and combinations which are available. If you are developing the site on open source tools like PHP and MySQL, you should prefer to buy Linux hosting.

It is important to consider the price being paid for a domain registration and hosting service. Nowadays hosting has become very cheap. Resellers buy huge amounts of disk space and sell them at cheap rates to end customers. A Linux Reseller Hosting company can sell space of 1GB for a year at a cost which may be equivalent to a restaurant bill. However, it is important to check out the support features that are available with the hosting company. The webmaster has to interact with the hosting company on a regular basis for support on various issues. So, jot down your requirements before you go ahead. Launch your website after several beta tests and I am sure you will have a great business venture.

Louis Meyer

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Good free wordpress hosting?

Well I want to make a wordpress blog and I just wanted to know any good free hosting services for it. Thanks!

I hope you know about wordpress.com. But it has got a lot of limitations.

Best solution – host youself – you can find a lot of free php hosting sites –

1. x10hosting – I use it – Good
2. Byethost – also good – I have tested wordpress hosting here. Perhaps this is the best place.
3. 000webhost – some ppl are crazy about it, but they have bad business practices, the deletes website without owner’s knowledge.

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linux web hsoting clients?

we i have stared my own web hosting company and i want some web hosting clients i will pay 8 $ to a person how birng 1 client on my server and that client should buy my package , my hosting package is 1 gb space with 10 gb monthlay cpanel and unlimited thing packages cost is 120$ / year, we also have many other big packages , small package are 100 mb sapce with 1 gb monthlay with cpanle and unlimited thing cost is 60$/ per year and we also have other more small packages if u are interested then contact me on webindus@hotmail.com cheers

urs i expensive compared in the current market. Can you afford the service provided by www.3ix.org. If can I will bring peoples to your website.

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Cheap Web Hosting / Free PHP Website Hosting?

Cheap Web Hosting / Free PHP Website Hosting


no doubt it is the best in its kind, 100% sure

please use my link 😉

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Video Blogging

Want to have your own TV show? Do you have the need to spread your wisdom to each and every member of the Internet-connected community? Do you just want to stay in touch with friends and family? Now you can. Vlogging, a social, personal/amateur/professional broadcasting opportunity is the latest in online interactive technology with a community. Have a good idea? Put it on the web, talk about yourself and join the revolution.

To get started you must have an idea or, a spark of an idea or, a little bit of curiosity. It doesn’t take much. Produce a few minutes of video by using a digital camera or a still camera with ‘movie’ feature, edit it or don’t and post it online and see what happens is more the rule of thumb. Sure, it can be grandiose with corporate advertising, field reporters, proper credits and a script. Your vlog can also be ‘home-video’ style entertainment of you sitting in your bedroom eating a bowl of cereal. The numbers don’t lie- people want to see the intimate details of other people’s lives. As we get farther and further removed in our own worlds with little reason to leave the laptop, people are coming forward with their lives published and broadcasted for all the world to see.

Here are some suggested resources for videophiles who want to start vlogging:

For tools, training and tutorials: http://Freevlog.org and Node101 are excellent examples. Freevlog/ Blogger is the leading weblog tool on the Internet. Anyone can view your site, whether they are registered or not (unlike MySpace). You are able to completely design your own blog. There are free tutorials and immense amounts of help to assist you in getting started. Freevlog wants you to join the community of vloggers, making it easier for you to get your skills together on the technical side. Recommended: how to hack your own blog and a basic html guide.

Blip.tv for free hosting, support, advertising options and promotion. This site features hundreds of channels to give you an example of what is out there in the Vlogosphere.

WordPress – WordPress is a free blog software that has more features than Blogger. It has the ability to label your postings using categories, making it easier for viewers to search around your site. WordPress has the advantage over Blogger if you are more technically oriented. If you know xthml/css/php, the software can be customized and encourages creativity. WordPress requires a mySQL database space on a server. Adding links is simpler than on Blogger and published faster.

Feedburner – provides media distribution and gets your media out there in the Vlogosphere to audiences for blogs and RSS feeds. The services Feedburner provides helps bloggers, vloggers and podcasters promote, deliver and profit from the content you upload onto the web.

FireAnt is an application website you can use to list your vlog, attract viewers and subscribe to channels. It unifies content for easy viewing, transforming all formats (Quicktime, Windows Media, Real, Flash, MP3, and more) for hassle-free video watching on your computer.

“Clearly, given easier solutions, consumers will be far more likely to edit their videos,” said Sharpe Partners interactive agency’s CEO Kathy Sharpe. “And those who edit their video are presumably more likely to share it with others, which will expand this market even further.”

Eric Hartwell

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Where to Find the Cheapest Web Hosting

Finding cheap website hosting has never been easier. Technology and bandwidth are getting less expensive every day and the cost of website hosting is going down just the same.

We have numerous other articles written on this very subject. Each one tackles a different aspect of this complex topic.

Many people and small custom owners have hesitated going online with a website because they don’t think they can allocate to do it. They have full a look at the large total of money big companies are expenses on their websites and hosting. But the actuality is, most companies can use a cheap website hosting donor and visit well inside a resources.

One place to look to in regards to cheap website hosting is unbound hosting military. You can not get any cheaper than that. After the dot com boom unbound website hosting didn’t flee they just became a bit harder to find. There are only a few big names left in the unbound hosting clique such as GeoCities and stand.

limitless hosting is good if you are just first out and money is an copy. The challenge is it has a lot of limitations. Most come with ads all over your site and you do not segment in the revenue they may generate. If your site was to become standard and have a lot of visitors they could delay your site because of to greatly control or power you to symbol up for a rewarded account. This may be the vital cheap website hosting but may not be what is best for you.

What an exciting way to begin this article, now lets take a look at what else we can learn about this topic!

If you poverty cheap website hosting but are not certainly if you want to the commitment of a yearly propose, but you don’t want the limitations that a unbound hosting crowd will force on you, you have a few options unfilled for your consideration.

shoddy website hosting is unfilled on a pay as you go propose. This is not unfeigned standard as of yet but is fitting more unfilled all the time. You do not pay a monthly fee. What you do is, put money on your account then each time superstar accesses your site a small total is full off the books. This way you are only paying for what you are with.

Another cheap website hosting propose is finding a web host that does not make you commit to a long span deal. Many cheap web host donors will propose a monthly propose that is reasonable and allocateable. You have all the payback, but do not have the long span commitment should you change your awareness.

You can find cheap website hosting with great client service for as little as five dollars or less a month. You will have all the diskette legroom and bandwidth povertyed to make your online existence a star. To find these do your grounding. study and also find others who have worn or are with a particular crowd you are interested in.

A word of caution in regards to some cheap website hosting companies. Do not let them over advertise you. You do not poverty a colossal total of diskette legroom or bandwidths so don’t pay for a extreme total. Try and find a cheap web host that will allocate you to add to your diskette legroom or bandwidth as you go.

What you have learned while reading this informative article, is knowledge that you can keep with you for a lifetime.

Matthew Meyer

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Best Website Hosting for Small Business Best Website Hosting Ready Made Web Hosting