
Archive for the ‘wordpress hosting’ Category

Resellerspanel Launches a Free Php Script Installation Website

  ResellersPanel, the synonym of free reseller web hosting, announces that it has recently launched elefanteinstaller.com – a new website, which offers detailed descriptions, demo versions and the free installation of more than 30 open source PHP scripts, among them phpBB2, WordPress, Joomla, Mambo, osCommerce, Drupal, Coppermine and many others, grouped in the following categories: […]


What is the cheapest monthly hosting for a WordPress blog?

I want to make a WordPress blog for my dad as a gift. Does anyone have a good provider for hosting that is cheap? What a great gift for your dad! Here is the best deal for cheap monthly hosting with excellent service: http://kingmanmerchantsmall.com/best-deal-blog-hosting-4664.html Technorati Tags: best deal, blog, cheap monthly hosting, cheapest monthly hosting, […]


Which site is good for hosting a wordpress blog with?

I am looking to create a blogsite utilizing wordpress. Initially it will be a regular site, but once i increase traffic I want to monetize the site utilizing tools like adsense and adwords as well as other advertisements. I have heard mixed reviews, but am generally looking at blue host. are there any recommendations out […]


WordPress Plug-ins You Must Have

This article will show you what WordPress plug-ins are a must have to have installed on your blog and why. If you are not familiar with WordPress, it is an open source project that lets users use the program for free. You can learn more about and get your own WordPress blog by visiting WordPress.org […]


Profitng And Benefiting From WordPress Ella

The “WordPress” developer team has successfully launched their latest version of WordPress, called “WordPress Ella”. Numerically, the version number is called version 2.1 To the uninitiated, news like this seems like a normal announcement from software developers and are often passed on by. However, from the eyes of a trained mind and savvy businessman, the […]


Blog Hosting. the Standards of Quality

The world changes. So do the life and work standards. The standards of IT business change very quickly. All that seemed to be up-to-date as recently as yesterday, today seems to be absolutely fusty. Even if we take a look at Internet growth, one can notice how the attitute towards network projects is being changed. […]


Which Web Hosting provider is best to host my WordPress blog?

Which Web Hosting provider is best to host my WordPress blog?I just want to host my blog and eventually an online shop using Magento. I have tried 5 but I keep having downtime. I personally uses http://www.oryon.net/ which I find to be incredibly cheap and stable. Good luck. Technorati Tags: blog, good luck, hosting, online […]


Blogging: -hosted WordPress Also Requires You to Purchase a Domain Name for Your Blog!

Are you already blogging or getting ready to start a blog? You may be interested in knowing that all blogging platforms are not created equal. If you intend to build an online business that will represent you well on the internet, here are some things that you will need to keep in mind. The first […]


Network Solutions Web Hosting That Fits Your Needs

Many people want to have their own website these days and Network Solutions is a great place to start. First, people need to have a domain name and Network Solutions have been in the business for 30 years. A domain name lets other people know who you are. Next, you will need to create a […]

Best Website Hosting for Small Business Best Website Hosting Ready Made Web Hosting
